The hoarding has been up for a couple weeks now. Sadly all of those trees that you see at the forefront of the above picture have been chopped down.
lots of work now and some cool hoarding up








Wow, it's really happening. It's an amazing feeling when you have an idea but are resigned to it never happening (re: can square), then someone else plans and builds it.
Compared to the Queen's Quay half-pedestrianization this has gone from vision to excavation really fast. I guess most things move faster than Queen's Quay has though.
Hey guys could someone please post a picture of what Canada square will eventually look like?? Thanx
That is a really, really old proposal for the site - more like a concept from the master plan I believe. Here is a more up to date design concept:

That said, my understanding is that they wanted to put something more "temporary" on the site given budget/phasing constraints.


It would be fantastic to see more granite paving in Toronto's public spaces composed of setts arranged in patterns as seen on page 30 of that document. It looks beautiful at Sugar Beach with three colours of granite setts forming the maple leaf mosaic and is ubiquitous in many European cities and even small towns. The sidewalks in Prague's old city are generally always paved with granite setts arranged to form a wide variety of mosaics. I hope we continue in that direction. Concrete is so bland and boring.
