I think that would be a good potential solution. If traffic was restricted pretty significantly, then I really wouldn't have much concern about density since there wouldn't really be any impacts. Park space in the area is more than adequate, no views are being significantly impacted, there don't appear to be many/any shadowing concerns...
There is gonna be a 40ish mixuse building going up next to dundas square, that corner is within stone's throw away from the square, the centre of retail and tourism. I don't see why a 40ish tower would be a problem as there would likely be many other developments in the future along this corridor towards Yonge, I believe there is already a proposal for two 22 storey towers in that sear's parking lot. 40ish seems to be the norm for new constructions downtown these days.

I wouldn't worry about the traffic issue as much, as I doubt many would be driving since streetcar is right by the door, and subway access @Dundas station is merely a 5 min walk away, cost of parking spot at Pace is $47000 with an added maintenance of $50/m. Afterall city had no problem permitting 6 40ish building to go up on a tiny back alley of street like Charles BSN, Chaz, X,X2, Casa, now Casa2 at 58s? Dundas/Jarvis would do just fine, they could always add signalization on Mutual.

Think there is gonna be only 150 or so parking spots for close to 400 units, parking is already restricted. So approve the 46s already...
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read through the revised documents again, traffic is a none issue, looks to be a total of only 86 parking spots, 73 resident/15visitor, for a building of 353 units, that is very restricted. Nimbys always get in the way of progress.
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traffic in this area is very light .......

Honestly, downtown in general is a dead zone outside of rush hour in terms of traffic for the most part. I love how people always associate downtown Toronto with 'hard to drive', lots of traffic. On the weekends though ... it's empty and a breeze to get anywhere by car. The only places that get slightly congested are Yonge and around the Gardiner.

If you want real traffic come to the suburbs, the NYCC area, or anywhere else in outer Toronto. Better yet the inner 905.
Demolition crews and equipment are on site this morning.
Looks like the strip mall will be gone by the end of the month.
The tallest buildings in that area are around 15 floors, so this building at 35 floors is going to really make a huge impact.
The tallest buildings in that area are around 15 floors, so this building at 35 floors is going to really make a huge impact.

Pace is gonna be at least 39s maybe 46s. GG have sold units up to the 39s, told by the sales agents that they're still seeking OMB approval for 46s. This would be a landmark structure in the immediate area for sure, likely anchoring other future developments.
Pace is gonna be at least 39s maybe 46s. GG have sold units up to the 39s, told by the sales agents that they're still seeking OMB approval for 46s. This would be a landmark structure in the immediate area for sure, likely anchoring other future developments.
The sooner Dundas East is OBLITERATED, the better. I can't think of a single building I'd want to keep on that street. It's a disaster!
Filmores would be good if it was cleaned up, and used for a different purpose.
Filmores would be good if it was cleaned up, and used for a different purpose.

The Filmores' sign is awesome. I can't say I've ever noticed the actual building, despite passing it thousands of times.
Dundas from Jarvis to Parliament has beautiful houses. There is no need or reason to obliterate them.
LOL!! Good old Filmores...a friend of a buddy of mine actually went here for his 19th birthday couple years ago. He was wasted so he probably doesn't remember anything from that experience.

The part where the street curves has potential to be really interesting, the social problems of the area just needs to be cleaned up. Once that happens, the parking/empty lots would be perfect for some decent mid-rise infill.
