Really ? You mean where the Tim's is, or FreshCo ? Wow. lots of people out in front all the time, so somebody could've easily been rained on with thumb-sized glass chunks.
Really ? You mean where the Tim's is, or FreshCo ? Wow. lots of people out in front all the time, so somebody could've easily been rained on with thumb-sized glass chunks.

Yes, they have that whole area fenced off. Or at least they did last night.

Apparently the building was in the process of doing emergency balcony inspections this week. It sounds like they discovered there was a serious problem but it were a little too late to stop it.
Maybe the time to require all builders to use laminated glass, is approaching? We can't keep letting glass rain down on the city.
A quick look at some of the new retail in Reget Park.

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Thanks for the video, Torontovibe.

Even though I work directly adjacent to Regent Park, I usually come in from the west via Queen Street. Today I came in along Dundas and was amazed at how much it had changed since the last time I went along there about a year ago. It's looking very nice in there, and the amount of constructions happening there at one time is pretty impressive by any standards.
Does anyone know if 25 Cole is also affected ?

1 Cole, 25 Cole and the TCHC buildings on Sackville have all been surrounded with hoarding and scaffolding. Looks like a massive repair job is about to start. I haven't heard of any glass actually falling from any of these buildings though...anyone else?
Glass is going up on The Regent Park Arts & Culture Centre.
Regent Park Arts Centre by queer_central, on Flickr[/IMG]
Regent Park Arts Centre by queer_central, on Flickr[/IMG]
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