Wow it amazes that people would chose to live in that location rather than at King and Bathurst or even City Place! That is one ugly, barren looking Soviet-style block of crap. Metal siding, Decaying concrete, wide highways, cancer-causing hydro transmission lines: what an amazing investment and place to call home!

Yes we need infill--but just who are these weirdos that are that desperate to live here?

So you expect everybody to live in one building downtown? These buildings are fairly cheap and are located right next to a subway station with quick access to many amenities.
will this building have an underground connection to the ttc?
I doubt it. There's a building directly south of it and it would then have to go under the hydro fields. A lot of money for one condo to spend.
Wow it amazes that people would chose to live in that location rather than at King and Bathurst or even City Place! That is one ugly, barren looking Soviet-style block of crap. Metal siding, Decaying concrete, wide highways, cancer-causing hydro transmission lines: what an amazing investment and place to call home!

Yes we need infill--but just who are these weirdos that are that desperate to live here?

People with a little foresight. Buy in the areas that are still cheap and underdeveloped, but on the verge of a boom. The extent of gentrification will hit Yonge/Finch soon enough.

I live in a townhouse at King/Parliament, that was a steal for its downtown proximity, but in a neighbourhood that's still not quite "there". Just wait until all the Distillery, Donlands, and further downtown east side developments are finishing up. It'll be one hell of a spot. That and, $$Profit$$
I'm just curious, is the actual building going to be where the sales centre is? If so, then it is an awful site. Even if the area is booming, paying money to live next door to a high-voltage substation is loonacy. Outside of that, the building will be boxed in between an ugly mid-rise office building to the south and an uglier apartment building to the north.

I think the North York Centre is being way over built and that bubble will burst. The prices there are ridiculous.
Outside of that, the building will be boxed in between an ugly mid-rise office building to the south and an uglier apartment building to the north.

That's exactly the site.
Its been almost a year since anyone has made a comment about this building. Does anybody know when construction is to start? I drove by the site a few weeks ago and the sales office looked to be still open. Their was a post about a year ago that said that the building was about half sold. Is their any update on sales for this building?
This proposal has gone completely quiet ... its been on the market for a while and the sales office appears to have closed, however no construction is happening on site ~

I've put in a call to the sales office, and the call was forwarded to Castle Group's head office ... according to their staff, construction is 'planned' to commence in November 2009 with estimated occupancy in November 2011 (as if !!) ... guess we'll just have to wait and see :)

According to the January 2008 minutes of the Design Review Panel, this project's architect is Harry Christakis of HCA Architecture (not familar with the firm) ... HCA's website apparently is 'under renovation'

Side note, I believe this site is part of North York City Centre (NYCC) as well?

MODs, just a thought ... :)
Palm Condos, The (NYCC, Yonge/Finch, Castle Group, 23s, HCA)
Guess we'll have to wait until November to see if construction will commence.
Scaled Model

thanks to ProjectEnd's leads to MBA Models

The UGLY Palm Condominiums ~

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