The top has been outfitted. Not a bad looking project.

This actually looks pretty good, surprisingly, but I just wish it filled in the space between it and yonge Street, better. Some retail was needed to fill that area.
Definitely a sharp looking building, has some nice curves not seen typically in Toronto architecture these days.

It's a shame it's right behind all those power lines though.
Quick shot from Saturday - January 19/2013. It's topped out - work continues on the balcony glass. The only thing missing, lit up palm trees and sunshine.

Pretty awful. NYCC needs a ton of quality brick buildings, esp in the form of 4-8s midrises. It needs a finer grain urbanity instead of broad crude brush strokes like this project. Think Port Credit, not MCC.
I believe putting a 4 storey building in that location would not be good use of valuable land. NYCC is by no means MCC, which is much more car based and spread out.

This building turned out much better than my initial expectations, which was very low to begin with. But the height is right for the location.
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Pretty awful. NYCC needs a ton of quality brick buildings, esp in the form of 4-8s midrises. It needs a finer grain urbanity instead of broad crude brush strokes like this project. Think Port Credit, not MCC.


The urban structure in North York Centre is quite good, the architecture aside from a few projects is really lacking.
