What bars and lounges? The area is a dead zone for nightlife.

If you're looking for the "clubs" and other associated douchepits of the entertainment district, no you can't find much around here.
But there are plenty of restaurants and bars in the area, albeit only 3 restaurants fronting this particular block.
Meeting was contentious but not violent. The community is concerned primarily with how the site is accessed and the introduction of new traffic on the laneway. Height and density did come up but were not the most controversial parts of the proposal.

No word yet on when sales or marketing will commence.


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Slick. Interesting how they chose to break down the mass of the slab. Hard to see the podium/street level from the rendering but that's usually a weakpoint for local firms. If it is somewhat similar to the earlier version of the proposal it should be ok.

I love the bold black colour, but man, won't that get hot? There are currently efforts to put up green roofs, and paint roofs white, in the interest of reducing the heating of buildings (and their environs) -- I would think black cladding would make things markedly worse.
The towers are fine but the podium looks bulky and typical of Toronto. At least from the rendering there is nothing interesting going on.

I do wish for a Path connection! I would be a crime not to.
The podium thing does get tired but that's a pretty slick podium and as a whole it's a remarkably coherent package.
We have posted a front page story updating the submission and considering the PATH connections, and added a pile of new renderings to the dataBase file.

