September 19 Pictures

The white framework on the rooftop seen a week ago has been expanded greatly. It does it appear it will be another impressive lantern:



Some tall shots of the east side. Note the red canoe in the foreground of one:

Living at Malibu, and looking southeast towards Panorama, I had no idea what to expect, but I have been pleasantly surprised... the building has a very nice viewpoint from this angle :)
I don't know if this has already been posted before but either way I found it interesting:

Safe As House

Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche, October 3rd, Toronto, 2009

Panorama Tower – Lakeshore Blvd and Don Leckie Way (On Lakeshore Blvd. W. between Spadina and Bathurst)


The expression “safe as houses” refers to the permanence and protection of one’s home. As a way of playing with this notion, an entire residential tower will be treated with light, making it appear impermanent by night. For the installation, Concord Adex CityPlace Developments offered the use of Panorama, a 28-storey, elliptically shaped tower, which will be glazed but not yet occupied in October. A construction beacon will be placed in each room of the tower, softly flooding it with pulses of light and with the flashing beacon head clearly visible through each window. The 600 beacons will strobe in asynchronous fashion. The result will be a tower that sparkles with an ever so slowly shifting pattern of light, visually dissolving the glazed façade and challenging our preconceptions of architecture as solid and unchanging.
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The "Safe As House" exhibition could be quite something. I hope it turns out nicely, as I will be making a point to see that during Nuit Blanche. :) Great when art and architecture have a chance to come together like that.
This kind of reminds me of the Merlin Monroe tower less the twisting, yes, I know that's the most important part :p

But that fact that it's not a perfect sphere gives that impression.
