
Once you get near King St, you see very little graffiti and tagging.

Head up to Queen and graffiti is everywhere though I wonder if the continuning condo development and migration of clubs out of this area will have less appeal for people to run through and tag?

Suppose that time will time. No doubt that this area is undergoing massive changes and won't be the same place in 10 years.
I don't think graffiti is a concern in this part of town. West Queen West just north of there is full of graffiti, but in contrast King Street and everything south of it is virtually spotless.

Perhaps your correct I don't know, it was just a thought as I become further obsessed with tagging. My neighbourhood was never a problem either except for the odd tag here and there, in the past year it has increased exponentially. Tagging is on every second or third building, hoarding on construction sites, on utilities, fences and street furniture. It's becoming a huge problem around these parts and it's driving me mad!
^Spray on glass is your solution. Read about it here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/...glass-the-spray-on-scientific-revelation.html and here's what http://www.physorg.com/news184310039.html says:

"Spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also flexible and breathable, which makes it suitable for use on an enormous array of products.

The liquid glass spray (technically termed “SiO2 ultra-thin layering”) consists of almost pure silicon dioxide (silica, the normal compound in glass) extracted from quartz sand. Water or ethanol is added, depending on the type of surface to be coated. There are no additives, and the nano-scale glass coating bonds to the surface because of the quantum forces involved. According to the manufacturers, liquid glass has a long-lasting antibacterial effect because microbes landing on the surface cannot divide or replicate easily.

Liquid glass was invented in Turkey and the patent is held by Nanopool, a family-owned German company. Research on the product was carried out at the Saarbrücken Institute for New Materials. Nanopool is already in negotiations in the UK with a number of companies and with the National Health Service, with a view to its widespread adoption. ...

The war graves association in the UK is investigating using the spray to treat stone monuments and grave stones, since trials have shown the coating protects against weathering and graffiti."

The company (with video demonstrations): http://www.nanopool.biz/couk/download.htm

What it means? Simply spray spray-on-glass onto exterior brick wall. Tag it. Then get a sponge and with water remove the tags! Invention of the decade!
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Throwing this in the Panorama thread but really it's all about the tower grouping:

Great shots!!!

Love your crisp photos. Any chance of posting more pictures especially frontal and westerly view? Thx
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Photo taken during last night's full moon.

View looking South on Bathurst

Lake Ontario was even basking in the glow.

I'm plesantly suprised the back side (north elevation) of Panorama is pretty good looking ~

the curve and multi-hue spandrel colours makes it quite interesting ... I prefer this over the black spandrels on the south side
Excellent(!) shots! It's good to see the back of this project close-up. Definitely has a very separate personality from the Fleet Street facade.

I saw you!

I was walking toward Canoe Landing and saw you walking down toward Panorama snapping some pictures. I even thought, hey... another UT'er! haha

Good job with the pics. I wish I had my camera with me :(

As for the back side of Panorama, it looks great. I loved how they cleaned up the bottom of the Gardiner in that area. The asphalt is new and they have installed lighting randomly throughout the area. Hopefully they spruce it up a bit more over time.

Excellent(!) shots! It's good to see the back of this project close-up. Definitely has a very separate personality from the Fleet Street facade.

Lakeshore* - Fleet starts at Bathurst
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