You saw me? That's hilarious. I've seen people taking pictures on construction sites and thought, hmm... UT poster? I've never actually asked any of them if they were posters.

I was really impressed with the back-end of Panorama. It was funny to see the curved wall and entrance looking so elegant under the rude gardiner (and large sandbox that is West City Place).
I'm also surprised by the back end of this building. The podium overall looks real sharp and they carried it over to the back. Nicely done!


by me
This has turned out wonderfully. It's a joy to drive by and admire. It's hard to believe this is part of the CityPlace family.
I have to say this is my favourite Cityplace building. Gorgeous. Too bad about the ground floor units facing Lakeshore Blvd, though... yes... For those who are following the West Harbour City thread, I am harping on this again!
Definitely one of the best Concord buildings. The location is unfortunate as not as many people will be passing by it on foot. I wish Panorama was located where Optima is.
Took some shots of Panorama tonight. IMHO the building is spectacular. I hated the townhouses when they were going up, but they look gorgeous now. The weird little light garden somehow works, though the use of asphalt rather than pavers is unfortunate. Coming out of Canoe Park, it's interesting how connected this feels to the rest of City Place/Fleet Street--all of a sudden the Gardiner is not a barrier when it gets this kind of treatment! This building will not feel as isolated as one feared.




The curves are nice and the podium is very well done - but the building looks a little top-heavy to me.
I love it-- but the podium really should be all black brick... the sections with brick look brilliant, but the rest of the podium is just black metal panels/metal sheets and mullions... really could've easily been made better.
great pics tgam. I really like the dark brick on the podium levels and the shape of the whole building.
I love it-- but the podium really should be all black brick... the sections with brick look brilliant, but the rest of the podium is just black metal panels/metal sheets and mullions... really could've easily been made better.

I thought the black panels and mullions looked terrible when the building was going up, but now that they're clean and you can see them in context they look much better. It's hard to tell in the pics, but in person it's really quite elegant; let's hope the building is well maintained.
Good to hear, tgam. I will check it out for myself in person. I'm excited.
Rest assured it looks quite good in person ... just saw it today. Having said that I can't imagine wanting a north facing unit on one of the lower floors.

What they did to the under-path is nice but, I'm not sure it's enough - I think a lot of planting (if they'd grow) are needed to make it more inviting. They added a ton of lights which will be crucial at night.

Also took a peek at CityPlace park ... it's pretty nice, I can see this being well used - it doesn't live up to the initial renderings but if you ignore them for a second it's a very nice park.

PS - the curved city place building with the panels that go up and down / and the shorter building beside it / montage, look amazing from the park!
