I didn't realize in the renders, that there is a courtyard inbetween the podium and the tower of both sides, until I saw the construction photos. Interesting.
I spoke to the Concord representative who said the "Grand Parade 2" tower is on hold until the market rebounds. This tower will contain more expensive units.

Currently, in the pics posted, you are viewing the construction of the "Grand Parade" tower.

Of note, Concord does not own the property West of Parade. It will be interesting to see what happens to the empty lots. Will they sit empty? Or will a different company develop condos or businesses there?
I spoke to the Concord representative who said the "Grand Parade 2" tower is on hold until the market rebounds. This tower will contain more expensive units.

Currently, in the pics posted, you are viewing the construction of the "Grand Parade" tower.

Of note, Concord does not own the property West of Parade. It will be interesting to see what happens to the empty lots. Will they sit empty? Or will a different company develop condos or businesses there?

Does it mean that Concord is not planning to build Parade 2 building until the Market rebound? Or might be cancel building it?
I really hope Parade 2/Grand Parade 2 (the western half) is not cancelled ... otherwise that cool skybridge won't materialize :(

when I was last at the presentation centre, they were definitely selling Grand Parade 2 (upper section of tall west tower) as well as Courtyard + Park Collection (podium in west half of the site) ... hopefully only construction is being delayed rather than cancelled

Concord Adex has built over 15 towers in this area, and in the near future GP2 will eventually get built, this specific project i believe is the focal point and gateway to the new park. As far as i am concerned there are a bunch of shit disturbers recently starting rumours on this and many of the other condo developments that are in full sales.
Sales have dried up a lot. Sale prices haven't dropped that much to coincide with lower sales # figures, and therefore we aren't seeing a lot of mvmt at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if it were being temporarily on hold until the credit market frees up credit for mortgages for the consumer and financing for the developer. Even if the land is owned by Concord and the incentive clause pushing the developer to build to the highest and best use of that land is always there, the numbers just may not reach critical levels to eliminate the developers risk, and therefore better to put your resources elsewhere until things start looking bright again.
I really hope Parade 2/Grand Parade 2 (the western half) is not cancelled ... otherwise that cool skybridge won't materialize :(

when I was last at the presentation centre, they were definitely selling Grand Parade 2 (upper section of tall west tower) as well as Courtyard + Park Collection (podium in west half of the site) ... hopefully only construction is being delayed rather than cancelled


I have friends who bought units at Parade 2 as well as Grand Parade 2. Therefore I know Concord is indeed selling the units out to the public. Just wondering if they have decided to cancel the project based on the previous message from Patriot. But I personally don't think so since Tower 1 is link to Tower 2 (Bridge). Therefore if Parade 1 is in construction, I don't think they will stop building Parade 2.
I drove past the construction site along the north side at Front St. last night and I saw something interesting. They seem to have started extending the P3 parking level onto the western portion of the dig. I think they are starting to build Parade 2.
I drove past the construction site along the north side at Front St. last night and I saw something interesting. They seem to have started extending the P3 parking level onto the western portion of the dig. I think they are starting to build Parade 2.

Thanks for checking it. So I guess somebody is trying to spread rumours.
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I know this is the wrong building but this is where the new Sobey's Urban Fresh will go.

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Good to see work being done here. It will be nice once the North Linear Park path is open beneath Spadina.
A sales representative at the Concord office near the Skydome told me a week and a half ago that the construction of "Parade Two" Tower, and the selling of the remaining suites, are officially on hold until the market rebounds.

Concord admitted to me in person, that they do not want to sell the remaining units in "Parade Two" for less than what they want - which at this time, the market cannot afford in this recession.

Yes, the escavation for the "Parade Two" is complete. However, if you visit the site personally, which I did, construction is only happening on the right side of the escavation where "Parade" is located (phase one).

For those of you that have purchased units in "Parade Two," I would strongly advise visiting the Concord Sales office in person. I did.
Patriot ... did Concord staff explain how they will deal with the 'bridge' between Parade 1 and Parade 2 ?? somehow that bridge has to be built and connected between the 2 towers
I don't know why the bridge has to be built now. They can always build knock-out walls in the first tower where the bridge would connect, and then build it later with the second tower.

As for the excavation of the west side, I see no reason why they would leave the pit excavated. I see them at least building the parking levels until they are at grade. Is Parade 2 50% of the whole development? Is it possible they may still build the podium, mid-rise or both now and wait to build the tower?
