Parade and Festival Tower:

most of the grass at the park looks brown. Will that grow back or will they have to plant new sod?
Though we had a mild winter almost all grass in parks or gardens dies down and turns brown in winter - in particular if not insulated by snow. Be patient - spring will soon be here and grass will (mostly) sprout up again.
Are all of the ground floor spaces along Bremner Blvd in Luna and Parade slated to be retail? Just imagine how successful a Starbucks and a handful of restaurants would be here. Not to mention a dry cleaner, pet store, etc.
Mar 11 2010


Are all of the ground floor spaces along Bremner Blvd in Luna and Parade slated to be retail? Just imagine how successful a Starbucks and a handful of restaurants would be here. Not to mention a dry cleaner, pet store, etc.

This is Luna at street level facing Fort York Blvd (formerly Bremner)

Is that residential at the base of Luna facing Fort York Blvd? I just can't fathom how some people come to the decisions they do.
Is that residential at the base of Luna facing Fort York Blvd? I just can't fathom how some people come to the decisions they do.

I hope it isn't residential either haha, it's like a fancier version of steeles west between hilda and bathrust st.
unlike LUNA, I do believe Parade East + West was planned with different intentions in mind ... that is, provisions for retail commercial spaces were incorporated along the Fort York Boulevard frontage, which enables animated street life opposite Canoe Landing Park
What a waste

What a completly wasted opprotunity. Those buildings look like a perfect place to put retail and restaurants, it's a no brainer. Bremner will definately need more animation. I hope maybe sometime in the future some of those units can be changed to retail. It just makes this downtown neighbourhood seem so suburban and lifeless. This is not the way to design high density, urban districts. I hope this city has learned a few lessons and doesn't repeat it in West Don Lands or East Bayfront/Docklands.
I like retail and lively streets as much as the next person, but I never understand all the lament when spaces aren't designed in this matter. This is a brand new neighbourhood, and I believe that overtime as it matures and fills in, increasing and better retail will start to fill in some gaps. Besides, spaces can be re-appropriated over the course of time. Look at some of our most animated and lively destination streets, they started out as residential and have become restaurants and stores (I'm thinking of places like Markham south Bloor). Perhaps in time even the live/work units in CityPlace may become converted.

Either way, whatever retail CityPlace gets for the most part is/will only stuff that benefits direct residents. This goes for many condos; who's going to travel to visit the CP Pizza Pizza, CP Sobeys, etc. Not much destination retail going on here, that'll take time.
