So it looks like the bridge is going to be built outwards from each building and meet in the middle. for some reason i was under the impression it was going to be constructed on the ground and lifted into place but after thinking that over i realize it doesn't make a whole lot of sense

They are constructing it on the ground level and lifting it in place. If you look at my last post, the yellow poles are part of the construct of the bridge.
Jan 27
I see they have setup the staging area for building the bridge on site.

I noticed they have removed the glazing on Building 1 now where the bridge will tie into it.

I know the bridge is to be erected in June and I hope it is before June 18, as I am leaving for Europe on the 21st until the end of July, as it stands at this point.




It looks like they have the bridge structure on site today.
Does this mean the sky-bridge could be installed sooner?
I am so waiting for this!!! Concord shows how its done.

This is going to be a seriously impressive piece of architecture in this city that everyone passing by on the Gardiner is going to see and go wow! Can't wait. Hope it has a rub-off effect on CityPlace unit values in general.
I didn't realize everything was ready to go. It looks like it could be lifted in place at any minute. I hope someone notifies us when it's happening because I'd like to be there to see it, when it happens.
Speaking from a personal perspective, I think in general the people at Cityplace (my current residence) seem to be more affluent than my previous neighbourhood (Murano).

Both Murano and Cityplace have a high percentage of renters, but looking at the garage, the renters at Cityplace have more money by far. Walking from the elevator to my car, I pass by a Lamb, Range Rover, Hummer, BMW x 2, and Mercedes x 3. The Murano garage has a few Mercedes and BMWs, but doesn't have as many higher end cars that Cityplace has.

Not taking sides on the cityplace debate, but when I hear the mention of Lamborghinis and Hummers in cityplace this first thing I think is drug dealers and pimps. Who else would spend such an inordinate portion of their net worth on an enormously impractical vehicle? (I realize Hummers aren't very expensive, but you'd still have to be pretty stupid to buy one)
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