Noveau rich who grew up in the suburbs and have high paying jobs in the financial district. As a Cityplace resident I'm all too acquainted with them. There's next to no sketchiness around, except for young drunk people and their drunk friends. Nothing that you don't have to deal with elsewhere, though.
Noveau rich who grew up in the suburbs and have high paying jobs in the financial district. As a Cityplace resident I'm all too acquainted with them. There's next to no sketchiness around, except for young drunk people and their drunk friends. Nothing that you don't have to deal with elsewhere, though.
Agreed, never seen anything that looks like sketchiness in Cityplace, and I've lived here for three years.

Although I don't see very many really high end cars, the ones that do exist I would guess belong to the kids of offshore money. I know lots of people with high end jobs in the financial district and they aren't driving lambos and hummers (they'd be embarrassed to drive a hummer anyways). BMW, Mercedes and Audi are the choice of the I-banker and lawyer set.
Why on Earth would someone living downtown and working downtown need a car unless they were visiting another city every day? I just find that to be so ridiculous. We in the western world have things way too good.
Why on Earth would someone living downtown and working downtown need a car unless they were visiting another city every day? I just find that to be so ridiculous. We in the western world have things way too good.

Because you dont work downtown, go golfing every weekend, you go up to the cottage during the summer, you have to buy things like kitty litter and cat food, you have friends outside of the city, and you enjoy frequent day trips outside of the city. Once you get out of school you will start to understand :)

Not to mention many people have jobs that require the use of a vehicle, such as consultants, planners, real estate agents etc etc.

That being said, most of the vehicles in our parking garage at Luna don't move around very much. Ours is parked all week too and usually only leaves during the weekend.
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When I hear the mention of Lamborghinis and Hummers in cityplace this first thing I think is drug dealers and pimps. Who else would spend such an inordinate portion of their net worth on an enormously impractical vehicle?


I own a Porsche. Does that make me a pimp or a drug dealer?

I own a Porsche. Does that make me a pimp or a drug dealer?
Well a Porsche is not a lambo or a hummer, so therefore no.

And regarding the above post as to why people who live and work downtown own cars, because we can!
Hey buddy, if you live here in Toronto you better clean your act and get rid of that car, buy a bike, and yeah start taking that LRT..ohhh Streetcar LOL:D

In all seriousness, this. But I don't preclude recreational use, and situations arise when cars are practical. However, it's critical that they don't dominate our lives and the way we plan our cities.
This is getting seriously off track, but one of the things I love most abou Toronto is that it's not L.A. or NYC. It's not like you totally NEED a car (L.A.) or totally can't get around by car (NYC). We have the best of both worlds. You can get around walking/subway/cycling or you can get around by car. The city moves pretty well by car. The big traffic jams are coming in and out of town which I blame more on commuter traffic. And all my friends who say 'you don't need a car in Toronto' are always begging for rides when they do. We need to develop TTC and bike lanes, but this doesn't have to be done at the expense of the car. They can both co-exist. And I think trying to actively 'discourage' car driving is silly. I wouldn't want to live in the suburbs where I needed a car for everything, but I likewise wouldn't want to live in a city so crowded that I couldn't drive a car when I wanted to.
That being said, most of the vehicles in our parking garage at Luna don't move around very much. Ours is parked all week too and usually only leaves during the weekend.

And that's why we need even better and more accessible/flexible car-shares in big cities.
And that's why we need even better and more accessible/flexible car-shares in big cities.

Car sharing in its current form is pretty useless. You pick up a car, drive it to point b, do your thing at point b, and you are still paying for the car while you are off doing your thing (not driving). If it worked more like Bixi and covered the entire Province, it would be a more realistic option. Also, it would most likely be cheaper to just buy a cheap car and use it whenever you need it than to rely on car sharing. I gave up my Zipcar membership years ago for those reasons.

It is also worth noting that car sharing might not even last as an option. Back when I interviewed for Zipcar, the fact that Zipcar Canada has never, in all its years of being here, turned a profit, was brought up. How long can a company go without making a profit?
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I own a Porsche. Does that make me a pimp or a drug dealer?

If that Porsche represented 75% of your net worth I'd begin to wonder. But no, a porsche is not inordinately expensive and is relatively practical. A Lamborghini can cost $250k, gets 10mpg, and can barely be driven in the city. And a hummer just says you're an a$$hole.
