Taken today. Skybridge curtainwall looks sexy.


And I'm too sexy for your building
Too sexy for your building
No way I'm attaching to those two

I'm a catwalk you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the Parade towers
Yeah on the Parade towers if I have to yeah
I do my little turn on the towers…
wow this thing must be heavy now. are they gonna be able to lift it with all the extra weight of glass. cant wait to see it go up. how long we got to go now?
The glass won't add that much weight relative to the steel, but it will make for some interesting wind-loading. They'll need a nice, still night to lift it for sure
Black Netting

Entirely precautionary, but nothing to do with the bridge. Concord used the same supplier for the balcony glass as some other developers which have had issues with falling glass. None has fallen from any of Concord's buildings, however just to be safe, they have installed black mesh on this tower, and their Discovery I and II towers in North York until they are 100% sure that the problem doesn't effect them.

Thanks Tuscani01 for the information. Much appreciated!
Despite all the spandrel, I think Parade II looks really nice. I'm a big fan of recessed balconies (if there has to be balconies).
I'm curious whether they'll evacuate the buildings or at least the windows closest to the lift before they go ahead. The square building is fully inhabitted. The round one I don't think so yet. What if it started swinging or fell? I'd assume they dont' want people around. One of the workers on site said it would be an 8 hour lift. My friend who lives in the building says there haven't been any notices about it yet.
No notices as of today. They must be getting close, I noticed this morning that there are now some very thick cables hanging from the towers to the bridge.
the bridge is scheduled to be lifted into place, weather permitted Monday June 25th from 9:00 pm. Should be quite a show.
