I remain optimistic about a 2026/2027 opening date as the station construction really should not be that intensive. Recent at grade/open cut stations on the Finch LRT and GO infill have progressed quickly and I don't see building the station box around the tracks taking over a year of actual construction. As for the rest of the development and new streetcar loop😂?
I remain optimistic about a 2026/2027 opening date as the station construction really should not be that intensive. Recent at grade/open cut stations on the Finch LRT and GO infill have progressed quickly and I don't see building the station box around the tracks taking over a year of actual construction. As for the rest of the development and new streetcar loop😂?

What about the new "Street A" ?
Nov 9 saw core drilling at the east end of the property by the rail corridor where the new underpass will have to be built,

There is no way a GO station will be open by 2025 when it takes 2 years or so to do one. This one will be about 3 years and putting it into late 2026 but more late 2027 if work start soon. Just keep moving the date down the road until a start date is announce.

The the building of underpass has to be part of building the station
core drilling at the east end of the property by the rail corridor where the new underpass will have to be built

I was was watching out for that yesterday and this morning. I didn't see any drilling rigs.

I posted another update from this morning in the Station Square (Phase 1) thread:

Further to my post in the Park Lawn GO thread:

Grading work has started this morning. Given what they're doing, this thread is more appropriate for the update.

They're removing soil from behind the BMO at Park Lawn and Lake Shore:

View attachment 519840

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They're then dumping and grading it near the site entrance along the Park Lawn further north, across the road from Key West:

View attachment 519844

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View attachment 519842

Couldn't get a hold of any workers to find out what's happening here. Couldn't find any building applications on this either... 🤷
I was was watching out for that yesterday and this morning. I didn't see any drilling rigs.

I posted another update from this morning in the Station Square (Phase 1) thread:
What's the usual turnaround time between drilling core samples and starting the dig?
Could be years and depends on how fast things are moving as well design engineering drawing been ready for tender or construction.

Seen site that have been core drill still waiting for something to happen 10 years after the drilling.
I was finally able to get a hold of one of the site workers this morning. He was in a drilling company pickup truck. He said he didn't know what all of the grading equipment was there for. All he knows is that he's going to drill some holes for the "tunnel under the railroad". So that confirms it: they're doing prep work for Street A construction.


Which explains the work they're doing around the water tower. More on that in my posts in the Station Square thread:
The plot thickens... I saw this bad boy nonchalantly drive onto the site this morning:

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Not 100% sure what this baby is, but it looks somewhat similar to the hydro-vac trucks I've seen before (water tank on wheels with a boom arm and a hose coming out of it):

It's doing something near Christie's water tower. Digging up old pipe connections? Preparing it for relocation?

Just as a reminder: the water tower is directly in the way of Road A construction.

View attachment 520626
View attachment 520627

While they haven't finalized the tower's final location (currently proposed to be in the station square), it is clear they need to remove it from it's current location first. Is this what they are doing now? Time will tell.

The rest of the grading equipment is still hard at work, focusing on grading the same areas as in my previous posts. I will provide another photo on what they're doing in a few days. It looks like they are preparing a large rectangular level pad along Lake Shore Blvd right next to BMO. The pad dimensions are suspiciously water-tower-sized. Most likely another coincidence though.

Another update on the grading work happening on the site.

Last week the work was limited to the site of the future condo sales showroom as suggested above (area A) and the soil dumping ground near the site entrance along Park Lawn (area B). Nov 13:

View attachment 522014

Here's what the site looks like a week later, Nov 21:

View attachment 522015

The pad east of BMO has been expanded and leveled:

View attachment 522016

Most notable is that the work has expanded towards the water tower:

View attachment 522017

Note the heavy equipment tracks frequently traveled towards the water tower and some grading work done around it:

View attachment 522019

Same area a week ago (Nov 13), no tracks in the dirt, grass around the tower:

View attachment 522022
I was finally able to get a hold of one of the site workers this morning. He was in a drilling company pickup truck. He said he didn't know what all of the grading equipment was there for. All he knows is that he's going to drill some holes for the "tunnel under the railroad". So that confirms it: they're doing prep work for Street A construction
Boreholes aren't so much prep work, but pre-design work. Keep in mind they did boreholes for the Gardiner expressway along Coxwell, the CNR, and for the Woodbine interchange.
Boreholes aren't so much prep work, but pre-design work. Keep in mind they did boreholes for the Gardiner expressway along Coxwell, the CNR, and for the Woodbine interchange.
C'mon, for now let me live in a dream where this project begins construction on time (early 2024) and finishes on time and under budget some time in 2026.

I know, one can only dream... 😅
C'mon, for now let me live in a dream where this project begins construction on time (early 2024) and finishes on time and under budget some time in 2026.

I know, one can only dream... 😅
You need to borehole areas to see what the sole is as well what will be needed as a foundation for X. There is the need to know what is there as it is needed to help to design and build the foundation for the tunnel under the rail corridor to the point a push box will do the job and it will have to be built next to the corridor. At the same time, a Verona System track bridge will have to replace the existing tracks that will decrease the train speed some what going over the track bridge while the push box is push under the rail corridor..

ML has already used a push box under their rail corridor at Port Credit GO station and they would apply what their learn from it to do this box. They even done a box under the QEW that close the highway down for 65 hours.

Building the road is easy to do that most of it could be done in 2024 up to the push box area, especially where the box is being built.. Since this box is fully concrete frame, you need to know if the bottom has to be thicker to support the box as well the load of trains on all 4/6 tracks that will be on top of it as well the platforms base on the results of the boring samples...

The other option that will have a huge impact on service is doing a built in place bridge for haft the corridor at a time..

If tender next year, the road and tunnel will be done by the end of 2025.

Boreholes are required where nothing has existed at all.
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