Your updates are as appreciated as ever, Jasonzed! Thank you :)

That's the question on my mind when I see this pathetic "bundle of sticks in mud." :p

Mississauga: Make me proud. Ditch the glass towers and get an 8s height limit everywhere. Then you'll see real, astonishing growth. Maybe I should become the next mayor? I could accomplish my dream within 50 years....:)

(Sensitive 905-ers: I am not knocking your 'hood. I feel this way about 90% of the GTA. 8s height limit. Everywhere. Spread the love 'round yo!)
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That's the question on my mind when I see this pathetic "bundle of sticks in mud." :p

Mississauga: Make me proud. Ditch the glass towers and get an 8s height limit everywhere. Then you'll see real, astonishing growth. Maybe I should become the next mayor? I could accomplish my dream within 50 years....:)

Again if this is what you're pushing ... look toward downtown Markham, not much over 15 stories will likely get built, already a couple brick (albeit not great) buildings on site ...
What's the real downtown Markham, Unionville ?

Why would MCC be any better then, not much history, so seeing how it won't please you either way, it really doesn't matter what gets built their does it ? :p
I care deeply about built form and Mississauga. 200 years of roots in the area makes me (and family members) appalled at what's going on. 8s height limit + a "Mississauga School of Architecture" + a new urban plan = beautiful creative solutions to housing. It is sad when c.1970s bungalows look more interesting than the new builds going up.
Here is your fabled new urban plan:

As for the school of architecture, a new one has just been set up at laurentian, with classes starting this fall. For ontario to go from 3 schools with undergraduate architecture programs to 5 programs in a few years will kill the job market and create an unnecessary influx of licencensed architects 6 years from now. And where do you propose putting this program? In Sheridan college? (Ha, good luck with that)

As for 8 floor buildings, expect that to start to happen a bit more once the Hurontario LRT gets built.
Downtown Markham is pathetic. Now the real downtown Markham, with 200+ years of history, yes that is/was nice. 8s...everywhere!

Why do you think Downtown Markham will be pathetic? It will be mostly mid-rise buildings and more pedestrian focused than MCC (in my opinion).

As much as I like Markham Village ("real downtown Markham"), there is very limited room for intensification and aside from Main Street, it's mostly narrow side streets with heritage homes, so it really only makes sense to have a new downtown (as well as intensify key corridors, replace strips malls, etc., as is happening).
It will be pathetic because the architecture & urban realm (street furniture, width of streets, isolated nature of the area, landscape, overwhelming car-culture suburbs surrounding the site) aren't compatible with desirable urban spaces. One day it may be a decent enough space--perhaps in 2080 when the creatives take over with their paint brushes (pink, green or blue painted homes perhaps?) etc.
So NimbyTect, what would you do (not disagreeing that Downtown Markham isn't the best example of insta-urbanity, but it's not really enough to call something 'pathetic' then fail to supply a potential solution)?
Let's take this OT discussion elsewhere--you can go to the fantasy renderings thread or my twitter feed. I've learned that the more advice I offer for free the less people take me seriously. I've got a 10 point solution. #1: Check out what I'm dreaming up lately....
