Tower 1 will be loosing the crane in the next week or so as it has no more work for it.



couple of shots from today...


I was thinking the same thing: I really like that podium. Interesting that others feel the same.

Why do we like this podium so?
I was thinking the same thing: I really like that podium. Interesting that others feel the same.

Why do we like this podium so?

For me...
-Proportions and shape (simple but effective)
-Corner feature with loft windows
-High ceilings on ground floor retail with awnings
-Good colour scheme
I was thinking the same thing: I really like that podium. Interesting that others feel the same.

Why do we like this podium so?

I think it has a great sense of scale. It isn't too massive but it stands its ground and makes you take notice. It is also clean looking without being boring and, as SP!RE said, the corner loft windows add visual interest.
I actually like the look of the blue buildings with the gold of the safety railings. It's too bad that the finshed balcony railings will not have this gold colour. I'd like to see many buildings make use of such strong colour combinations on purpose... it would add some nice colour and energy to our cityscapes.
For me...
-Proportions and shape (simple but effective)
-Corner feature with loft windows
-High ceilings on ground floor retail with awnings
-Good colour scheme

Agree with everything! I also love that the concrete is being covered/painted white. It just makes everything look finished and clean. It also helps accentuate the shapes they have created on the face of the building. Considering the crap these people built down the road (see pic below), im quite surprised that these towers are turning out as good as they are.

Agreed: Elle is good.

nice to see that the podium for the third tower is now above grade.....
