For those disagreeing with College Park here, read his post carefully and you will see he is actually criticizing the cladding on MaRS, not Sick Kids.

Confound that pesky ambiguity! CP should have just drawn up lists of posters who agree and disagree with its cladding! Etc etc

Getting sick, on Yonge Street

Wow, so it looks like 3 more floors and then the big mechanical box.

It's already remarkable how different it feels to walk along the other side of Bay St. That stretch of Bay always felt somewhat backwater to me, on account of all of the parking lots, but now it really does a sense of place
Those random panes of solid green or blue glass look weird to me. Maybe if they were placed with greater frequency it would look more intentional and less like a mistake.
I love the fritting -- the "softness" at the edges produces a very nice effect, and gives what is otherwise a huge structure a bit of warmth.
Those random panes of solid green or blue glass look weird to me. Maybe if they were placed with greater frequency it would look more intentional and less like a mistake.

I asked a construction guy on Bay St about those solid panes. He said they were breakages and will be fixed with more white glass once it is all on.
The guys from Ellis Don stand across the road supervising when things are being craned over Bay st. They seemed quite happy to answer questions. The curved bays will have curved glass and we should see it soon. Can't wait.
I'm sure someone here has an idea, but I'd like to know if/when that parking lot right north of the bus station is going to be developed.
Yeah, that's one of my most eagerly anticipated parking lot infills. The wasteland in and around the bus station is hideous and so wasteful of such valuable space. Plus, the Bay Street canyon of tall buildings is developing amazingly and this would go a long way to furthering the effect.
