So the guy who executed Menkes developments for 20 years is "on his own". Don't see how that makes him new to the scene, but I suppose it's a matter of semantics. And his name is Andrew Hoffman, not Huffman.
This month's Condolife magazine has an entire database of all the developers in the GTA. You are right, vox - it is Andrew Hoffman. The magazine mentions;

President, CentreCourt Developments Inc. A private development company focused on high-rise residential development in the GTA. Hoffman has had over 20 years of experience in the real estate development industry and has been involved in some of Toronto's major real estate projects including Four Seasons Hotel and 25 York Street.
Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Not Started

Location: 328 ADELAIDE ST W

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 11 305408 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Nov 4, 2011

Project: Other Demolition

Description: This is for the demolition of this two storey mixed use/non residential building.
Demolition for the Peter Street Condominiums is now underway - the demolition contractor (Delsan?) was putting up the hoarding this morning. Interior clear out of the pub on the corner has been completed for a while.
Last edited:
February 2, 2012.

Funny. I work in between 2 construction sites. Tableau and Peter Street Condos. Should be an interesting 3+ years.
