This could be Teeple's much anticipated breakthrough, after which the firm will finally get more high profile comissions.
This could be Teeple's much anticipated breakthrough, after which the firm will finally get more high profile comissions.

It's about time. Teeple seems a lot more focused on creative design than aA. I would love for Stephen Teeple and his firm to get higher profile projects like museums and cultural centres.
@blacktowertv tweeted tonight that Monarch will be branding this project "Picasso"...
That rendering is pretty sick. Don't know what people have to complain about. Yay for a Teeple tower!
Yeah I rather like :)

I dont think this stands a chance in hell to get built...1st, they will have to convince the Queen Street crowd that there is no shadowing issues...2nd, they also have applied to continue to operate the existing commercial parking lot for another three more years.
So i dunno

File Number: A0500/11TEY Zoning RA(PPR) Owner(s): 310 RICHMOND STREET Ward: Trinity-Spadina (20) WEST LIMITED
Agent: PAUL CHRONIS Property Address: 306-322 RICHMOND ST W Community: Toronto Legal Description: TOWN YORK PT LOT 18
To continue to operate the existing 56 space commercial parking lot ,for a period of three years.
1. Section 4 (a), By-law 283-2009
In an RA Zone a surface commercial parking lot is not a permitted use.
In this case, the intent is to maintain the existing non-conforming surface commercial parking lot.
2. Section 4(17) (b), By-law 438-86
The minimum required dimensions for a parking space are 5.6 m in length by 3.0 m in width. In this case, 50 of the existing parking spaces have a length of 5.6 m by 2.6 m in width.

The changes in the zoning bylaw for the project already happened, what more convincing is there to be done? And yes, pay attention to who moved the amendment, and who voted against it.

3 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Adam Vaughan (Carried)

Motion 3 - That Council adopt the following recommendations contained in the report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning:

1. City Council authorize an amendment to Zoning By-law 438-86 for the former City of Toronto substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By‑law attached as Attachment No. 1 to the report (January 28, 2009) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE22.9a).

2. The City Solicitor be authorized to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.

3. Before introducing the necessary Bill to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to secure the following:
- Payment of $50,000 within 30 days of the Zoning By-law, being final and binding for capital improvements to social housing in Ward 20.
- Payment of $500,000 prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit, towards streetscape improvements for Richmond Street West between John Street and Spadina Avenue, and John Street between Wellington Street West and Queen Street West.
- Payment of $150,000 prior to the earliest of first occupancy or condominium registration, towards streetscape improvements for Richmond Street West between John Street and Spadina Avenue, and John Street between Wellington Street West and Queen Street West.
- The owner shall construct the development in accordance with elevations on file with the Chief Planner, and shall make such refinements to the elevations as are required by, and to the satisfaction of, the Chief Planner, and the owner shall thereafter maintain the building and any replacement building, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, in accordance with such elevations and shall further secure these obligations in the associated site plan agreement and any condominium agreement.
- The owner shall construct the development with such high quality building landscaping features, including plants located throughout the vertical face and balconies/terraces of the Proposed Building, as are required by, and to the satisfaction of, the Chief Planner.
- As part of the site plan application the owner shall pay for a peer review of the viability of the landscape features, and provide a letter of credit to secure their installation and maintenance for at least two years.
- Thereafter maintain the said landscaping for the life of the building, and any replacement building, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, and
- shall further secure these obligations in the associated site plan agreement and any condominium agreement.
- The owner to use reasonable commercial efforts to obtain LEED Platinum Certification of the development and provide to the City documentation respecting certification for the development.
- The owner shall agree that, at least 10% of the total number of Dwelling Units contained within the building shall contain three or more bedrooms and, for the purpose of calculating the number of Dwelling Units containing three or more bedrooms.

a. in the event the building contains adjacent Dwelling Units, each of which have less than three bedrooms and which are separated by knock-out panels that would allow the two adjacent Dwelling Units to be combined into one Dwelling Unit containing three or more bedrooms, then

b. each such pair of adjacent Dwelling Units shall be counted as one Dwelling Unit containing three or more bedrooms.

- The owner shall enter into an agreement with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, to secure the provision of the said facilities, services and matters, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor with conditions providing for indexed escalation of financial contributions, no credit for development charges, indemnity, insurance, GST, termination and unwinding, and registration and priority of agreement.

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Wow wow WOW... this is truly unlike any other tower that's gone up in the city. We need more creative stuff like this. I love it :)
If there was a 'like' button, I would like it 10 times over. Love the contrast between the white and black, and a little hint of red, plus the inclusion of some green plants on the various terraces. We need more like this one!
Well Atlantis, you can be the second person to 'like' our dataBase page for Picasso, because it's up now, with lots of views.

