Nautilus, Lago, and now this...Monarch is on a roll with some nice developments.
"The Box" is sure getting interesting here in Toronto.:cool:
Hopefully this tower proves to be Kryptonite to the glass box brigade and the Teeple-ization of Toronto can begin.
I love the building, but the location is really problematic -- it looms over Queen St., and really changes the low-rise character of that part of the city.
I love the building, but the location is really problematic -- it looms over Queen St., and really changes the low-rise character of that part of the city.

That's certainly a concern here. I would hate for this one to face the same fate at Giraffe.
Honestly, that part of Queen Street has turned into an outdoor Eaton Centre with dumpy, poorly maintained facades. A few of the heritage buildings are worthwhile, but overall I think that stretch could use some redevelopment. As far as the Richmond/Entertainment District side, it'll be a highrise neighbourhood in no time. A lot of the lots in the aerial shots are already under construction.

I'm in no way advocating the destruction of heritage for new condos, but in this case I think the change is completely warranted. Picasso also adds a fantastic view terminus for Beverly Street.
I agree that Queen Street could use some love, but if you really want to destroy its charm and character, throw up a few 30+ storey condos. Tall buildings along this stretch will just turn it into another downtown canyon, and those low rises that make up so much of the streetscape and give the area its character will be completely overwhelmed.
But this isn't Queen Street... it's Richmond. With a reasonable setback from the north property line towards Queen, surely it couldn't cause too great an effect on the feel of Queen Street?
This is huge

Bravo to this team for proposing this at this location. I am liking that it is not all glass, liking the colour, the playfulness, the uniqueness. I love the trees on the roof gardens.
But this isn't Queen Street... it's Richmond. With a reasonable setback from the north property line towards Queen, surely it couldn't cause too great an effect on the feel of Queen Street?
Going by the render, I think the impact will be huge -- it looks like it will dominate the local skyline, and loom over the entire area.

Again, I think the building looks fantastic, I just don't like the location.
i like the look of the building but 400 units in 39 storeys ?!?!?
that's more than 10 units per floor !
That looks so amazing that I can't help but think there is no way the end result will look anything like that. Is there a cheapening filter in Photoshop we can run that we can run that image through?
Great looking building. Terrible location in terms of the impact it will have on Queen St. Earlier this evening I walked by where PAGES used to be and noticed full window advertising for Picasso. I'm guessing that's where the showroom will be located.
