Absolute Hideous Monstrosity. This is experimental art, which should be miniaturized in a gallery somewhere. This is not architecture which will stand the test of time. This will be a pathetic blight on our skyline for the next two centuries.

Colour should never go on a building. Especially bright red metallic panels. The red, black, white and grey make this building look like a PlayMobil Toy, not a structure which will stand for 200 years.

Metal Sheet siding as the exterior cladding? kill me now. Brick, Limestone, Plaster, Moulded Concrete - these are what buildings should be made of.

Awkward angles, overhanging pop-outs? Jesus, this is nasty.

All it is, is "car-crash" architecture. The kind of insane architecture that makes you take your eyes off the road as you stare in bewilderment...

I can understand why some may not like this particular design, but you have a problem with colour on a building, and overhangs? Never heard anyone make those complaints before.
Absolute Hideous Monstrosity. This is experimental art, which should be miniaturized in a gallery somewhere. This is not architecture which will stand the test of time. This will be a pathetic blight on our skyline for the next two centuries.

Colour should never go on a building. Especially bright red metallic panels. The red, black, white and grey make this building look like a PlayMobil Toy, not a structure which will stand for 200 years.

Metal Sheet siding as the exterior cladding? kill me now. Brick, Limestone, Plaster, Moulded Concrete - these are what buildings should be made of.

Awkward angles, overhanging pop-outs? Jesus, this is nasty.

All it is, is "car-crash" architecture. The kind of insane architecture that makes you take your eyes off the road as you stare in bewilderment...

Also, get off my lawn.
...an old man yells at cloud.

Your comments on this building and this type of architecture read like the "old stock Canadians" of architecture.

I can't help guessing he is joking in a sarcastic way.
If there is anything I don't like about Picasso, it is that it is not weird/different/bold enough. Downtown needs ten more of buildings this different from the usual conservative design.
Metal Sheet siding as the exterior cladding? kill me now. Brick, Limestone, Plaster, Moulded Concrete - these are what buildings should be made of.

1) Don't even get me started on the many ways in which brick, limestone, plaster, or exposed cast-in-place concrete (I'm assuming that's what you meant by "moulded") could be a terrible idea on a tower in our extreme climate at heights of 39 storeys.

2) "Metal sheet siding"? It's what appears to be aluminum composite, which is relatively durable, long-lasting, insulated and robust, the greatest drawback perhaps being that it has a lot of embodied energy in its production. Aluminum composite is arguably a very appropriate material for buildings in this climate. And no, it's not just "metal sheets".

3) You sound like someone who is more interested in ranting than educating yourselves on why the architects/designers made the decisions they did. You also don't seem to have a strong grasp on the qualities of various materials and which properties make them appropriate vs inappropriate. Instead of being prescriptive about what buildings "should" be like, why don't you read up on some of this stuff? I used to have opinions that were based entirely on aesthetics. Once you start to learn more about architecture, you will come to understand the complexities. But it also teaches you to read a building and learn why the decisions that were made, were. You won't always agree with what the designers chose to do, but it will provide your arguments more depth than being a rant about your personal preferences.
