What a waste of land, building materials, carbon emissions, time.

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/duffins-creek-pickering-wetland-save-triple-group-amazon-1.5950062?ref=mobilerss&cmp=newsletter_CBC Toronto_1642_251346

Wetland that Amazon considered for warehouse safe from destruction — for now

Developer's commitment not to damage Pickering site only lasts until court rules on legality of MZO

CBC News · Posted: Mar 15, 2021 1:55 PM ET | Last Updated: March 15
Roughly half of this property in Pickering, owned by Triple Group, is classed as a protected wetland. If approved for development, commercial real estate analysts say it would skyrocket in value, potentially to more than $100 million.

A developer's promise not to damage the Duffins Creek wetland in Pickering is now legally binding, after the plan was presented Monday to an Ontario court.

That protection, however, is not permanent. It depends on the outcome of a court case in which the Ford government is fighting for its right to fast-track development on protected sites such as wetlands.

Pickering Developments, part of the Triple Group of Companies, signed a court undertaking Monday that it will not "harmfully alter, destroy, damage or interfere with" natural heritage features such as wetlands and wildlife habitat on the property, located just off Highway 401, east of Brock Road.

The commitment is only valid pending a court case that would take place sometime after late May.

Two environmental groups have asked for a judicial review of the Ford government's move to issue a ministerial zoning order (MZO) for the property. The groups, Environmental Defence and Ontario Nature, argue the government acted illegally because of the site's designation as a provincially significant wetland.

…more at the link at top.


So..........after all that............and backdown and the repeal of the MZO..............

The wetland has been 90% destroyed. :mad:

The Triple Group went ahead and had it tilled for farming.......without any permit in place!

The article above is paywalled; but here are the important bits:



How's this for a response:


The TRCA is seeking an order to rehabilitate from the Courts.

That would an excellent start and the TRCA should come up with the most deluxe restoration plan ever, 20M has a nice ring to it to start.

The maximum fine, apart from the rehab order is only 10k. :rolleyes:

That, of course is meaningless in the context of land worth tens or hundreds of millions.

I'm not one for arbitrarily high minimums that penalize a first-time, un-intentional offender, but the maximum should be intimidating to the worst and wealthiest offenders. Certainly 10M+


Here's the story from the Narwahl who broke it originally; not paywalled:

So..........after all that............and backdown and the repeal of the MZO..............

The wetland has been 90% destroyed. :mad:

The Triple Group went ahead and had it tilled for farming.......without any permit in place!

The article above is paywalled; but here are the important bits:

View attachment 440488

View attachment 440489

How's this for a response:

View attachment 440491

The TRCA is seeking an order to rehabilitate from the Courts.

That would an excellent start and the TRCA should come up with the most deluxe restoration plan ever, 20M has a nice ring to it to start.

The maximum fine, apart from the rehab order is only 10k. :rolleyes:

That, of course is meaningless in the context of land worth tens or hundreds of millions.

I'm not one for arbitrarily high minimums that penalize a first-time, un-intentional offender, but the maximum should be intimidating to the worst and wealthiest offenders. Certainly 10M+


Here's the story from the Narwahl who broke it originally; not paywalled:

I would love to see a restoration order - and it having to be done by hand for those who committed it.

Where is the 90 percent? The images certainly don't seem to point to 90 percent destroyed... Is it not the area around the wooded area (above) they are refereeing to that wasn't supposed to be tilled?
