In his defence, it does say the site is under construction (if you do not get a seizure first, before finding that note).
If indeed it is at the film studios, then it won't be on the waterfront. It will, in fact, be in the middle of nowhere (South division), closer to a gas-fired power plant than anything else.

I was thinking that myself. Hopefully it's somewhere very prominent.
I was thinking that myself. Hopefully it's somewhere very prominent.

Agreed! This building needs to have space around it, and be placed somewhere near the water as was originally proposed in Liverpool. Otherwise it could be buried in a sea of skyscrapers in town, or for its investment, too far away from those wishing easy access.
Agreed! This building needs to have space around it, and be placed somewhere near the water as was originally proposed in Liverpool. Otherwise it could be buried in a sea of skyscrapers in town, or for its investment, too far away from those wishing easy access.

Is this coming here for sure or just a rumour still?
If you read the articles here, there is definately something coming and it's 'cloud-like'.

We will get the details next week as to what exactly it is and where it is located.
With or without an Alsop "cloud"... it's.... alive....

If this announcement isn't about the same film studio development that we already know about ... I'll eat my polka dot cravat.

The cloud could definitly go here, somewhere either along the Don Roadway or along the Shipping Channel. What I want to know is, what would be inside a "cloud" building that could be associated with film production?
The office and community areas?

I'm still inclined to wait. This really should go somewhere more prominant than Don Roadway if it is a genuine Alsop cloud.
It seems like the Globe and Mail readership is not much different from the Sun.

you guys should read the comments on the globe and mail article. It only goes to show how most Canadians don't ever want to take risks and would be happier having thousands of crap ripoff condos like french quarter around the city.

Seriously. I'm sure most of these people believe Disneyland to be perfect example of impeccable modern architecture.
