Some newer hotels needed. Many of the older ones are getting dumpy.
April 5





Thanks. I had my camera at the game so decided to take the long way home and snap some shots of some of these ones. Over the past month I think I've hit most of major sites (still haven't gotten to Pure Spirits, Liberty Village or Waterpark City... one day).

I think this Pinnacle set is fun. The first photo makes the buildings look awesome. The second one brings us back to reality and makes us sad. Really sad. As for the aerials/overheads, they were taken from a friend's balcany seen in one of these pictures.
Great shots, Redroom. Aerials make these buildings more tolerable.
I got asked to come and pick my colours today, I guess that means they are just about on schedule - January - March 2009
I've never played tennis before...but I think it would be cool to play at this location. I'd probably get so bored playing I'd practise trying to hit cars along the Gardiner instead!:) And what a bit of healthy fresh air to breath, eh?
That poor tennis court isn't going to get much sun once these things are built
I was at a friend's suite at Pinnacle and I have to say that I was quite impressed with the quality of the finishings, the fairly large security team... and the hot chick that road the elevator up with me... :D

He has a north view which is partly nice, partly crap. He has a view of Toronto's skyscrapers head on with Royal Bank Plaza's gold façade. On the other hand, he also sees the Gardiner Expressway and the hideous Union Station train shed.

The good part of his view though will probably be gone in a few years. What''s happening with that plot of land on Bay directly across from the ACC?
What''s happening with that plot of land on Bay directly across from the ACC?

That's 45 Bay, owned by SITQ. They had announced plans to put a substantial office building (about the size of BA) there, but nothing has been heard from them for some time now.
The location of that convention centre would be great for a tall Office/Hotel/Residential Calitrava or Foster. Something to draw our eyes away from all the surrounding ugly buildings -=excluding the World Trade buildings.

