$619k for a 518sf 1 bed.. holy crap. That's what, a $2,500 mortgage payment? Plus condo fees and property taxes? Are these things going to rent for $3k a month or something?
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The rendering looks right to me. 1 Yonge is much closer to the vantage point than the CN Tower is, so perspective covers it.There is no way 307m is that high compared to the CN Tower. The main pod is 350m high.
In Vancouver a developer just bought a White Spot restaurant downtown with its small parking lot for 4245 million. It will be 35 stories with 500 sq foot bachelors starting at $1.6 million and needless to say hardly anyone will live in it.
In Vancouver $600k is subsidized rent.
$619k for a 518sf 1 bed.. holy crap.
Where did you get this info?70% sold in 1 week