I like the seamless twist of the balconies complementing the "banner". If the banner was there without the balconies, it would have risked looking pretentious. But because the balconies are there, it gives the design a cubic effect and a convincing emphasis.
It will beautify the area a lot .
I really love how the architectural style of the balconies
and the color they chose, are awesome.
Even if the podium is not the best,it's a great tower.
It not very common to see some creativity and beauty in condos these day.
I am very glad that Hariri Pontarini made some effort to make something
interesting in the waterfront.I cant wait to see the phase 2 and 3.
I think it's the best condo of the year that will be marketed.
We need more talented architects in Toronto.
L Tower is one of the most beautiful and striking towers in the city, at least from afar. It'd just that the implementation was problematic. This rendering here is however a bit poor man's One Bloor East.

I may be in a very small camp of one on this... I feel that 1BE to be just above ok. It's a nice enough looking building, to me it just feels already dated and not worth emulating in a waterfront position.

Soms Cayan Tower in Dubai, Gang's Aqua in Chicago is where Pinnacle should be aiming here. Perhaps picking up MAD architects losing bid for the reclad of Tour Montparnasse for a dime.


Image From Mad Architects
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The database file has been updated with a larger version of the new rendering, and windows for anyone who wants a closer look at how the building will be detailed. Linked at the top of the page!

The next two towers will also have podiums, but their own. This one is big so it can hold a community centre in it with pool, gym, running track, etc.

I don't think it's fair to use the terms urban and suburban to describe podiums as one or the other. It depends more on what you do in the street realm to activate them. Maple Leaf Gardens could have been a podium had one of the condo tower plans come about there instead of what did happen, but those plans would not have substantially changed the ground level. While it's not very fine grained, offering only doors to the Ryerson Mattamy Athletic Centre and to Loblaws, I don't think you can argue that Maple Leaf Gardens is suburban.

This has echoes of One Bloor East. Been there...done that! Why can't we have something truly spectacular for the foot of TO?
The database file has been updated with a larger version of the new rendering, and windows for anyone who wants a closer look at how the building will be detailed. Linked at the top of the page!


Pretty banal compared to the original drawings.
Toronto must have a reputation for low standards in architecture. All we get are quick disposable apartment buildings. I hope they don’t stray this far from concept with the Mirvish/Gehry towers.

This site sitting between the lakefront and the core deserves much better. Something akin to The One would be nice.
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