good news for Missy....1st project of the next real estate cycle...
/although the preliminary rendering of the towers looks a bit Kirkor-ish..hopefully that won't be the case....


3883 dwellings on the west side of Cooksville Creek.
New City Park on the east side of Cooksville Creek + New Urban Square on the west side.

77 - 3 - 4 Storey Townhomes
3 - 6 Storey Towers
3 - 12 Storey Towers
4 - 18 Storey Towers
1 - 25 Storey Tower
2 - 32 Storey Towers (Fronting Eglinton Avenue)
3 - 42 Storey Towers (All fronting Hurontario Street)
26 Office/Retail Units on the ground floors
1 - 50 Storey Tower


Simply Awesome!


Great, except

Unit's= 3,883
parking plan= 5,073
Average= 1.31
parking require = 7,118
Average= 1.83/unit
residents= 8,955
Average 2.31/ unit
Average car per resident is .79 using 7,118 or .57 using 5,073.

This means that this project will be a single family development.

Car remain King of the Road with 1.83 being use. Based on present trend, need a parking structure for the extra 1+ car showing up on move in date.

If you factor in a 30% of none car use, the average car per resident is .84 or 1.14 at 7,118.

Lets go with 4,000 parking spots and say if you want to drive move else where as this is will be transit user as well car free area only. Some Commercial use at street edge.
I wonder how much of this new development is legit considering that Pinnacle International cant even finish developing their 4th tower in Toronto.
It's a matter of timing. The fourth tower in Toronto will be finished sooner or later, perhaps not as soon as originally expected. The development in Mississauga is a large one and will take some time to market, but there's no reason it won't happen eventually.
This is very key for uptown and finally we can something different than the Skymark towers and the park mansion.
woohoo ... thumbs up for Pinnacle (I like these guys) ... this is a great proposal to finally fill in that empty field @ the NW corner of Eglinton + Hurontario

although the 4th tower of Pinncle Centre (aka Success2) is not going forward as planned YET at this time, it will happen as Observer_Wait suggests .... its a matter of timing .... Pinnacle has a pretty good tract record of delivery and they do a good product ... I guess this Mississauga project will likely go to market when the next cycle begins ~
Council continues to lack visions and cow bow to the NIMBY.

2 things that came out at the Planning committee meeting Monday night was traffic and cutting down trees.

So what is someone cutting trees downs now if they are going to cut down for the development? Along the creek is something different and that will be under the City control. It was stated by Councilor Frank Dale to the ppl complaining about the trees, the City has a standard and if the standards call for cutting trees as well planning new one, it's not the developer job to do it.

As for Traffic, the same old story that higher density brings more traffic and that is true if we continue to allow 85% single driver on the road. One person said it unsafely to cross Eglinton/Hurontario anytime of the day. The intersection is a mess and he has clients not going to his store because of traffic.

This same person lives in the Kingsbridge area towers and said this development was going to hurt his business. He drives to work.

Hazel said this development should not move ahead until the traffic study is finish that the City has underway.

Councilor Adam and Dale want to see less density. They call this Uptown and Yorkville and fear it will take away from the So Call DownTown Sq One.

City Staff said this development does not support the Hurontario study. What are they smoking??????????

The City computer decided it didn't want to display my presentation in support of the development including reduce parking. I put part of it below.

I hammer away at traffic that the city needs to start dealing with it by having better transit and start setting goals to do it. I also pointed out that there would be traffic issue even with the less numbers. By having this development will have an impact traffic by having more pedestrians on the streets with something to look at.

PPPL keep blaming the areas outside of Mississauga for the traffic mess, yet fail to see the residents of Mississauga is the cause of the mess in the first place.

Hazel was concern that if this development moves ahead, it will set the standard not only for the other corners, but rest of Hurontario. The City would be so luckily to get more development like this as it would support LRT/Subway 100%.

Councilor Adam went on that 19 was the best service route in Mississauga, yet it still had close doors and a reason this development should not move ahead. Humm!!!! wondering why?????

The speaker behind me said "I agree with the speaker in front of me and it echo his position" and added onto it. There was only 3 of us that spoke in favor vs the 10 who did not. We also talk about fixing the traffic issue.

Had a city staff say to me after I was right.

During my presentation, you could see council shaking their head in agreement to what I was saying, but wish they start backing up that head shaking.

The plan call for a sale office to be setup by summer to start selling block 1 that has been reduce in size from 450 to 275 units. That is on Eglinton next to the ESSO station. Construction is hopeful to start in 2010. The developer wanted to start on Hurontario first, but waiting to see what happens to the Hurontario study. It will include 2 32 stories towers, townhouses and some kind of waterfall/work that can be seen from Eglinton Ave for the creek.

There was a call for on street parking as well surface parking lots by the residents and wonder why?????

Unit's= 3,883
Residents= 8,955
Average 2.31/ unit

Option #1
Parking plan= 5, 073
Average= 1.31/unit
Average car per resident is .57

Option #2
Parking require = 7,118
Average= 1.83/unit
Average car per resident is .79

If 2 cars show up on moving day for all unit's based on current trend, there would be a need for 7,766 spots leaving a short fall of 648 spots.

If "1" visitors show up for 40% of unit's, 1,532 parking spaces would be require. Short fall of 2,180 spaces.

No commercial parking space in these numbers.

If 30% of resident unit's don't drive under option #1, there would be a need for 3,551 parking spots. Option #2 would see 4,986 parking spots.

If 30% of resident units do not drive, we would see 2,687 people riding with someone, walking, cycling or using transit.

From a transit point, this location is well connected to the Eglinton route #35 going to the Islington Subway/Airport Corporation Centre, as well #19 that connects to Sq One/Cooksville GO/Port Credit GO/Brampton.

If 10% of these 2,687 residents use transit at peak time (269), you need 6 extra buses using ridership standard of 50/peak point. 20% would require 11 buses in total. 30% would be 14 buses.

Using the current 7%-11% ratio of residents using transit for this development, we are going to see 627-985. That 12-20 buses at peak time alone. That 7-15 40' buses in the AM. This works out that you need a bus every 8.59-4 minutes just for this location alone, let alone the route itself. This is assuming using one route.

If we set a goal of 15% from day one for people using transit, we are going to need service for 1,334 new riders on 27 additional buses at peak time or 39 buses for off peak time. This works out to be a bus (40') every 2.22 minutes for peak and 1.54 minutes for off peak.

To get to a 35% goal level of residents using transit, we are going to see an additional 3,134 riders. This will work out to be 65 buses at peak time coming every .92 minutes or 90 for off peak time every .67 minute.

Even if we move to 60' buses using 75 riders as peak load and 45 for off peak, we will still need 8.39 (9) buses every 6.67 minutes to 13.13 (14) buses every 4.29 minutes. This is for this development only.

Time to set real policies related to how many cars will be allow for each residential unit, otherwise we are creating our own grid-lock and greenhouse gas.

The 1985 report on Hurontario St call for this road to be 9 lanes wide and that is why all face to face of land is so wide along the road now.
nice to know the NIMBY movement is alive and well in Mississauga........:rolleyes:

One person said it is unsafe to cross Eglinton/Hurontario anytime of the day. The intersection is a mess and he has clients not going to his store because of traffic.

Darwin award of the year for this shopkeeper....they are proposing to add nearly 9000 potential customers right across the street, and he has objections?
lol, neither did I but I sensed a lot of passion :)
lol, neither did I but I sensed a lot of passion :)

Highlight of what I was (or suppose to) speaking on.

Even if the city force this development to go to option 2 using current trend, you need an extra 2,000+ parking spots.

Even if you reduce this development in size, you are going to have more cars than spots.

Regardless the size of this project, it will have an impact on MT service that MT cannot handle today.

If we set goals to get more ppl to use transit, we can see buses/BRT will not handle the ridership on 19 and will require an BRT/LRT on Eglinton.

Traffic is a mess at the intersection now and is only going to get worse if the city does not do anything related to single driver cars or more like the 2-6 cars in the driveway.

This is a good development for this intersection.

I am not a fan of single tall towers with not base and in the middle of open space. I believe you can get the same density with longer and lower level buildings.

Street edge buildings should be 4-12 stories tall with taller sections setback from the edge. Building face should be 5m from the curb and no more than 7m allowing room for cafe/etc.

Yes I have passion when it comes to urban design and transit and I put myself on the front line openly.

Bottom line, we have no room to grow and to grow, we have to go up. By growing, you are spreading the city operation cost on many ppl backs at a lower rate than have a higher rate on a smaller number.

"IF" ppl want the simple small life style around them, then they need to pickup the full cost to allow it and that is ""NOT"" going to happen.

NIMBY is alive and well in Mississauga, the City where CAR is KING of the ROAD.
Sad... seems like whole is GTA is going downhill. There is no leadership.
These are extracted from the December 2008 City Planning Information Report:

I gather from these plans and staff report, the first phase (2x 32s) will be built in Block 1 fronting onto Eglinton Avenue?


Because two of those just a few minutes south isn't enough!

Seriously, I hope the city sends them back to the drawing board.
So very hideous. They're obviously early sketches, and I hope the final renders are much improved over that.
