^looks like zoning is a non-issue with Pinnacle and the city. The OPA appears to be the only real issue still and it's tied in to the adjacent appeal for Allied where the OP appears to have been amended in November, and then Allied appealed that amendment. I hope this is actually less complicated than how I am reading it! ;) If anyone else is more versed in the planning act and process please help me fill in the blanks where I may be incorrect.

All I wanted to point out is that the zoning between the city (heights, density) is basically agreed upon between the city and Pinnacle.

Yup, you've got it right. The OMB hearing over the OP amendment affecting Allied is a biggish deal, but the Pinnacle one will essentially be a ratification of their agreement with the City.

That is a beautiful building....I just don't think the finished product will look like the model, though? Brick? 41 storeys? Pinnacle? Yea right.

48 storeys in fact. Thread title amended.

Wow, is that red brick going up 48 storeys? Has Toronto ever seen a building that uses brick on that scale?

I don't see any other structure with bricks that high. Maybe this building will create a new style for high rise condo structures instead of all glass. I seen on YouTube that they will be going back to the old ways of building the facades instead of all glass walls. Because of the safe and the long term durability of the curtain wall. They would probably use the prefabricated brick slabs method per floor idea. Seen in other new condos in that area.
Is this building going up 48 storeys instead of 41?
st2qw is correct: The Selby will be 50 storeys of brick, not precast panels (not that there's anything wrong with that (when done correctly, see: The Florian)).

I expect that we will be seeing a lot more brick-faced towers in the future, with the introduction of the new cladding regulations. Maybe even stone-faced? Too expensive?
I can't wait to see that happen we need some change. Too many blue green glass curtain wall in one area. We need the variety of style of building like the financial area has.
Masonry walls are far more expensive and time consuming to build...I doubt we're going to see a rise in towers built with stone or brick!
The way I see it either the developer pays for it now or later. I heard there's going to be a major facade overhaul in the future with all glass facades. Because their finding out a lot of these curtain walls can't handle the stress in temperature change in the Toronto area etc.
Window walls and they will last long past any need for developers to be concerned. The new codes will mean more spandrel. Brick is expensive and experienced installers are hard to come by.
I'm happy to hear that there will be more solid spaces between windows to emphasize the glass. It makes the building look more durable. Any type of panelling will do. It doesn't have to be brick or concrete slab if its too costly. The Toronto Trump tower shows a good example of glass and some form of light insulated panelling that works well. I love to see more buildings built like that if possible !
Thanks for posting those pictures. It really shows how the building is going to look like. I love the red brick look which is needed for the entertainment district. Too many blue green buildings!

When are they going to start building this structure!
