

My old shoes look good compared to those panels. I think the brick looks good. It looks finished. It's difficult to tell if the panels are finished or if they're going to tidy them up somehow. I don't dislike the contrast with the white.

I hope the TCHC building is going to get some other layer because if it's going to look how it looks .... wow, it's a stinker.
Anyone know when estimated occupancy is for this development?
According to @jxmith_ in the Aqualuna thread “Municipal bylaws state that any project within 15% of completion must halt progress and only move ahead .001% per lunar cycle. It’s part of the “wait, wait! It’s too late now but are we really sure about this” program, which is in its 11th year of its pilot phase. If all goes well in the next 9 years, the hope is to move it up to a full fledged study, then it’s just 20 years before it becomes a recommendation. Fingers crossed!”

Expect occupancy to start well in the 2050s.

If you couldn’t tell this was a joke already, I don’t know when occupancy actually starts.
