The crane is going up today. They've spent the last week cleaning up the excavation site. It's been 10 months to dig a 3 storey hole, including the archeological work. They've hired the tortoise rather than the hare as builder, but I have been impressed by how meticulous they've been about the work they're doing. Does anyone have an update on expected occupancy?
I was informally told it'll probably be early 2011 at this point.

I wonder whether the pace has something to do with Home Depot being replaced with Loblaws/Joe Fresh/Winners. Perhaps they needed a bit of time to rejig the commercial floor plans. On the other hand, excavation was already happening at that point, so there's not much sense in slowing down that process.

It's a very well organized and tidy construction site, that's for sure.
Crane going up... (Aug 28)








Great to see the crane!!!

Too bad there is no news on the fire site....would be great to see that get filled.
Quick photoless update: the first (of three) underground garage levels has been fully poured, and the second is about to be. The ramp and elevator shafts are reaching to the second garage level now as well.
Thanks for the pics everyone! Looks like some decent progress on the site when comparing the pics from yesterday vs. a few months ago.
iSlutsky's "mystery link" is to the C of A application for changes primarily related to the different loading bays and other configuration differences resulting from the swapping in of Loblaws and Winners for Home Depot. They are looking to add about 4000 more square feet and the equivalent of a half a floor in height.
iSlutsky's "mystery link" is to the C of A application for changes primarily related to the different loading bays and other configuration differences resulting from the swapping in of Loblaws and Winners for Home Depot. They are looking to add about 4000 more square feet and the equivalent of a half a floor in height.

Thanks.. I like "mystery links". They are fun. Just joking.. I just didn't have any further information.

Great information regarding Loblaws and Winners... I was not sure who the two new retail outlets were. Is there any factual record of this?
