New Member
So I bicycled the whole QQ on my way out to the Humber for my bike ride Saturday. I had a few observations:
- I had lots of problems with pedestrians on the trail on the way back. A number of close calls with pedestrians not even looking as they stepped into the path Especially at intersections, people would just stand in the path.
- They need to make it very clear that the bike path is bikes only in this pedestrians, people pushing strollers, etc. Intersections are really poorly marked here.
Not to defend the pedestrians who walked onto the actual bike path, but are they actually doing anything wrong here in the intersections?
From what I saw all the intersections are shared spaces. There really isn't a "bike path". It's why the pavement doesn't continue through the intersections in addition to the various symbols implying the bike path starts/ends.
This is what I was talking about before in that the cyclists seem to think the space is only theirs. Everything in the street design implies that it's a shared space. So please correct me if I'm wrong. But I hope for the sake of the city that I'm correct otherwise it's designed poorly.