There are two distinct stenches in the area. One is definitely methane from sewage and the other is swine from the slaughterhouse.

Then this would make great urban sculpture there
August 11

From Front Street looking north, getting ready for the crane installation.

From Niagara looking south, the Panorama crane is visible in the background.

From Victoria Memorial Park.
I live very close to this development, and there was a flurry of activity for months as they dug the pit. But for the past month or so, it's been completely dead. I walk past it every morning and afternoon and haven't seen workers in weeks.

Think they're waiting on a crane? Maybe with so many in Toronto, there's a backlog.
And then suddenly, the very next day, there is a crane erected on the site. Ta-da!

Looks like this will start moving ahead again.
haha funny how things can things change on site in just one day~
9 September 2008 photo update

Well, too lazy to bike around the corner in the heavy rain fall, so this photo will have to suffice...for now.:)

But, lotsa rubbish buildings could be pulled down here--why can't Bathurst become another Spadina-style destination street?

Janbe: I know what you were trying to do on the thread here, but I agree with Grey that it wasn't really helpful; you were unwittingly spreading the very rumour you wanted to warn against. All of that is gone now, and let's leave it that way, and look for some updated construction pics from someone soon.

Then this would make great urban sculpture there

LOL I moved into this neighbourhood in August, and now I definitely understand what this sculpture could be used for. Funny - some people find it really offensive, but I think one gets pretty used to the odours from the slaughterhouse - although some days are worse than others. We definitely knew about this issue before buying a condo here, and it doesn't bother us personally.
I'm working on this project and this project has been put on hold untill futher notice, another money thing. I was told by the forming contractor that they should know something about if the project is going to go ahead with in the next week or so. This is the 3rd big project of ours put on hold.
No crane to come down just yet, the owner is just shopping around for a mortgage. He was saying that the previous mortgage holder raised his rates and it wasn't worth to build with these rates. I was told we should here in the next week or so. I keep you posted.
thanks for the great info DAMB (and on other threads too) ... its great to have contributions from members whom are involved with projects construction

welcome to UT ~
