The crane instalation is finished, now they are instaling the counterweights. They had little problem with the right long wire and one guy had to release it as it wasn't able to extend. I took lots of pictures of almost the entire operation. Should I post some?
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someMidTowner I really want to thank you for all your excellent contributions. I like a lot the quality of all your photos, thanks buddy. And thanks to everybody for your contributions, everyone makes this forum very interesting.
I don't know why they've never bothered to paint the train shed, even as a bandaid fix. It's better than looking at that for 4 years until the green roof is in.

Man look at the green roof on PwC Tower. Where's the grass? It's all burnt. No irrigation system? I hope Union doesn't turn out like that. :(
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Very cool pictures of the crane going up. Union station looks absolutely horrible from this angle ... then again, it looks horrible from Street level as well, as the moment
A lot of cranes in that last picture, I count 11. It took a while to get going but now this area is changing fast.
There aren't going to be any open parking lots left downtown 25 years from now. I bet people will look back and laugh that we used to have huge blocks of land right downtown that were just for parking. Good to see the infill. I like it. Anyone who hates development should move to Buffalo NY. :)
