The Star article states that the final stages (4 and 5) will take 10 to 15 years to complete. This has to be a mistake. The entire project was originally slated to take 12 years to complete. It’s now been in construction for 12 years with roughly
70% of the old Regent Park site replaced or under construction. Another 10 to 15 years to complete the last bit along Gerrard Street? Seems like something isn’t adding up right. I really hope phases 4 and 5 on Gerrard get underway soon. It’s such a blighted street.
The Star article states that the final stages (4 and 5) will take 10 to 15 years to complete. This has to be a mistake. The entire project was originally slated to take 12 years to complete. It’s now been in construction for 12 years with roughly
70% of the old Regent Park site replaced or under construction. Another 10 to 15 years to complete the last bit along Gerrard Street? Seems like something isn’t adding up right. I really hope phases 4 and 5 on Gerrard get underway soon. It’s such a blighted street.

I don't think the original project was intended only to go for 12 years - it's probably more like 15-20.

Three developers are chosen to bid on Regent Park project

By Joseph Hall Feature Writer
Tues., April 9, 2019

A trio of development behemoths have been chosen to bid on the final two stages of Toronto’s sparkling new Regent Park project.

Capital Developments and Tridel Builders Inc. will join the Daniels Corporation — which has been responsible for the first three stages of the area’s lauded transformation — in vying for building rights to the remaining, seven-block area.

Regent Park residents get one day to choose between 3 developers for final revitalization phases

By Emily Mathieu Affordable Housing Reporter
Tues., Oct. 1, 2019

On Saturday morning, Sureya Ibrahim, identification in hand, plans to walk to the Regent Park Community Centre for her chance to weigh in on one of the most consequential development projects in the city’s history.

What awaits her are presentations from three developers — The Daniels Corporation, Capital Developments and Tridel Builders Inc. — each vying for the rights to the final stages of the revitalization of Regent Park.

The meeting is open to all Regent Park residents, including the buyers of newly constructed private units, and those expecting to return after construction is finished on a neighbourhood that will eventually be home to 12,500 people in a mix of public and private housing. The community centre has space for about 300 people. No proxy votes are allowed. No members of an opposing development team can watch the other’s proposal. Media cannot attend and Ibrahim and all who attend must sign a nondisclosure agreement (NDA).

Each development team has 20 minutes to present and 15 minutes to address four identical pre-screened questions and community members will submit score cards on each one. Community feedback will count for 20 per cent of an overall score that will be used to determine if developers are moving to a final round.

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Permit me…

Phasing Plan 2016.10.jpg
Agreed, this stretch of Gerrard is a natural candidate for a comeback of mom+pop style retail that is fleeing streets closer to Yonge.
They will only get 'mom & pop' back if they charge reasonable rents!
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Agreed, this stretch of Gerrard is a natural candidate for a comeback of mom+pop style retail that is fleeing streets closer to Yonge.
New development tends to skew towards shoppers drug marts, banks, Starbucks. If a mom and pop shows up it likely won't be the store you think of. Rather it will be a pricey trendy store that can afford the rents.
Maybe they will have live/work arrangements or buy your own property for your own business rather than rent?
