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Turner joins the Liberals

Independent Halton MP is joining the Liberal Party.

Feb 06, 2007 12:01 PM
Susan Delacourt
Ottawa Bureau Chief

OTTAWA -- Garth Turner, the Halton MP ousted from the federal Conservative caucus, will announce today that he's joining the Liberals.

Liberal sources have confirmed to the Star that Turner, who also toyed with becoming Canada's first Green party MP in the Commons, has decided to drape himself in Liberal red instead.

He's scheduled a press conference for 5 p.m. in the National Press Theatre.

The defection doesn't significantly alter the balance of power in the Commons, but it has large symbolic force, coming on the very day that Stephen Harper is marking his first anniversary as prime minister.

Turner's move gives the Liberals 101 seats in the House of Commons. The Conservatives now have 125 seats, the Bloc Quebecois 51 and the New Democrats 29.

There is now only one independent, Quebec MP Andre Arthur, and one vacancy, created when former Liberal transport minister Jean Lapierre resigned his seat earlier this year.

Turner was kicked out of the Conservative caucus last fall for alleged indiscretion on his lively blog and Internet TV show.

He was suspended from caucus indefinitely after repeatedly criticizing party policy and the actions of the Prime Minister’s Office.

He publicly lampooned the defection to Harper’s first cabinet of former Liberal David Emerson. At the time, Turner argued on his weblog that MPs who defect to another party should have to run for re-election under their new party in a byelection.

“If you want to be a Liberal, be elected as a Liberal. All those things have honour but the honour is bestowed by the people, not by the individual.â€

A former journalist, Turner since has been using those talents to continue lambasting Harper and the Conservatives with increasing regularity.

In a posting on his blog this morning, Turner hinted about big news to come. He also wrote extensively about last night's Commons 161-115 vote in favour of the Kyoto air-quality protocol -- a vote introduced by Liberal Leader Stephane Dion -- as "a pivotal event leading to the next election."

Turner has been saying for some time that Harper would like to provoke an election sooner rather than later, and he has lamented in some detail how the Conservatives have no strategy or appeal with respect to voters in the GTA.

In his blog entry last night, Turner wrote: "If (Premier) Jean Charest calls the election in Quebec for March 24th, and (Finance Minister) Jim Flaherty brings down his federal budget on March 20th, then the path is clear for Mr. Harper to engineer his defeat in early April for a federal vote in mid-May.

"Trust me - it has always been the plan of Conservative wizard Doug Finley to have a spring 2007 election, before too much baggage accumulates, before the feds actually have to make hard decisions about the environment and in the wake of a federalist victory in Quebec.

"Anyway, hang on. The banging’s about to begin."
The announcement also comes amid evidence of ramped-up Liberal preparedness for an election.
Former leadership contender Gerard Kennedy -- the kingmaker for Dion at the December convention -- held a news conference this morning to announce he'd be running in the Toronto riding of Parkdale, the same riding he held provincially when he was Ontario's education minister.

Turner is expected to say today that he'll be seeking the Liberal nomination in his Halton riding, which was pretty closely divided between Liberals and Conservatives in the last election.

Turner won the seat with 30,577 votes, only about 1,900 more than Liberal rival Gary Carr.

Reaction in Turner's riding ranged from indifference to annoyance.
"I guess that's what people do, move around a lot, shift allegiances," said Arlene, at the Kensington retirement home, in Oakville.

"He keeps jumping around," said Karen Sinden, of Milton. "I have no idea what he stands for."

"Oh boy, we"re far too busy to every worry about Garth right now," said one of the hair cutters at Fioravante Hair Design, on Steeles Ave. W. "Who cares," said one of the workers at Karen's Flower Shop, in Milton.

With a file from Canadian Press

This is how genes are exchanged in politics.
If the Liberals return to power, I think it will be very funny having a renigade Liberal Garth Turner :rollin
^I guess Garth needed a place to park his ass - uh - seat.
I've visited Mr. Turner's website and I have to say I like what I read.

Thing is, it's tough for me to see a difference between Conservatives and Liberals at both the Federal and Provincial levels. They both lie to me (yes, I take it personally).

I'm so disillusioned with the Canadian political landscape --right down to the municipal level. Spent the fall bemoaning the lack of voter interest in municiipal affairs and yet, gee, I can't say I blame people for just ordering pizza and watching American Idol instead of the candidate's debates.

Where are the leaders?

I look around and there are no more heroes. Cripes, they're too afraid to even define "accountable" for me.
The thing is, Muse, it isn't us and them.

They are us.
I can't believe he joined the Liberals. I thought he would wait to declare which party he would run for when the next election came around. Garth is starting to look a little more indecisive than those he complains about flip-flopping or lying. The guy ran for the Conservatives and won, got removed and became an independant, assisted in the campaign of the Green Party in a London by-election, and now is a Liberal despite have been openly against floor crossers? Good grief.
For the record what with me DUMPING all over **PTUI** Wajid Khan for betraying Mississauga-Streetsville, I should also complain about Garth Turner jumping from Conservative to Liberal (albeit more subtly and without any kind of a prestigious and pretentious Creative Writing assignment).

All it proves to me is that Conservatives and Liberals are interchangeable --and frankly, I find that offensive.

Related topic.

bizorky, you creeped me out when you wrote:

The thing is, Muse, it isn't us and them.

They are us.

You caught me reading old Pogo comics --a Walt Kelly compilation. Your "it isn't us and them. They are us." is too close to Pogo's "I have seen the enemy" proclamation --that's what I meant by "creeped me out".

Please explain further what you mean. For the first time in my life I'm really paying attention to the municipal/provincial political landscape. It's really only been nine months and my brain seizes at all the LIES.

What do you mean, "They are us"?
For the record what with me DUMPING all over **PTUI** Wajid Khan for betraying Mississauga-Streetsville, I should also complain about Garth Turner jumping from Conservative to Liberal

Garth Turner did not switch from Conservative to Liberal. He was an independent for several months before he joined the Liberals, so this is not even remotely comparable to Wajid Khan floor-crossing. It is not floor-crossing, period.
Yeah, kinda like closet queens calling themselves "bisexual' for a while until they finally come out.
What do you mean, "They are us"?

Sorry Muse, didn't mean to creep you out. I hope there were no resulting nightmares.

By what I said, I mean that politicians are part of the general population. They come from the big bunch of "us" that is all around. So some of them are normal, and others are a bit abnormal; some are lazy, others are driven. There are some who actually want to make a contribution to their community, and others who want to be famous. Many are combative, others well-meaning but uninformed, and some that are not too bright can actually get things done.

Political parties (or ideology) can amplify or supress the best or worst in individuals. It depends on the person. Sometimes we get lucky when we choose; sometimes we don't.

Don't let them creep you out ...too much.
He couldn't go back to the Conservatives, so his options were get re-elected as a Liberal, or be an Independent or Green MP until the next election, then look for a new job.
bizorky, excellent-excellent stuff you wrote, thanks.

Truly depressing but --thanks.

You wrote:

Political parties (or ideology) can amplify or supress the best or worst in individuals. It depends on the person. Sometimes we get lucky when we choose; sometimes we don't.

What's KILLING me is with each new election, I get handed a list of candidates I don't want to choose from. And the old "hold your nose and vote" can't work for me anymore.

And what's the difference between a democracy with no real choice between candidates and the old "You can vote for any communist you want"? ---aside from the Canadian constitution, I mean.
Hey again, doady

You wrote:

Garth Turner did not switch from Conservative to Liberal. He was an independent for several months before he joined the Liberals, so this is not even remotely comparable to Wajid Khan floor-crossing. It is not floor-crossing, period.

If Wajid Khan, had switched to Independent for several months and then oozed over to the Conservatives, I'd STILL feel as betrayed as I do now.

I voted for a Liberal. Now he's Conservative.

In the meantime, people who voted for Garth Turner voted for a Conservative. They're betrayed too --he's now Liberal.

Sure, as a Liberal, I should be happy to have Mr. Turner onboard and all. But I know how his voters feel --the sense of betrayal --like Khan just lit a match to my ballot. And Turner did that to his Conservative voters.

It's one of the few times this Liberal can say to Conservatives -- "I share their pain".

I've been reading Mr. Turner's BLOG and respect a lot of what he writes. Thing is, doady, the politicians at all levels of government have just worn me down to a nub.

I just can't believe in any One anymore or even believe in any Thing anymore. I'm --we're AWASH in Lies.

And many of these politicians are so contemptuous of us (and we deserve it) that they don't even bother being good at lying.

In fact as far as "transparency" in government is concerned, the only thing consistently transparent are the lies.

The (BOY! AM I CRABBY TODAY!) Mississauga Muse
