In Ramako's picture the 5 extended "fins" along the south side of the building really look apparent. nice to see that this architectural touch wont be so lost behind the scenes. even in the rendering they are barely noticeable but there "thinkerness" and protruding character stands out much more in reality it seems.

Let's hope that remains the case when the balcony glass goes up.
So sexy in that last pic! Imagine if Aura handled it's different floor heights with a look like this. That white line is a nice use of spandrel too!
Still worried about the recreated historical base, right now it brings visions of that terrible disaster on High Park Ave., though I am hoping it turns out much better.

One can see the problems already. There's no setback or transition between the new and old, and the new architecture doesn't appear to make any links to the old.
The facade has a lot more brick - it's reaching the second floor now. It looks good! The brick, that is.
