What a pleasant surprise. I think it looks great, though I'm sure many will disagree.
Cladding seems to be on par with 300 Front. Both with lots of spandrel.
I disagree. To me, the materials on this one seem to be better thought out and possibly of a higher quality. I'm quite liking the looks of RCMI so far. Nice addition to the skyline and a decent change in use (residential) for the area.
I'm pretty happy with the cladding on this one! Even the spandrel looks pretty good, and there's been some thought put into the location of spandrel and the use of mullions.
What are they trying to accomplish with the randomized white blocks? Artistic look, or simulating someone home?

Maybe both! Probably because it is a fairly flat wall with no balconies they're looking for ways of giving it some depth with various shapes and positions.
The randomized pattern is there to make the wall not so dreary for the workers in the office to the north.

Here are a few more pictures from today:



My unit will be on the 35th level, facing south... Construction seems to be on the 26th floor now with about 8 or so floors needed to clear the building??

Hmm, 30 should do it and you will most likely be OK on the 35th
By the way, nice location and good luck:cool:
