So a quetsion for you all ... when will we start seeing the tilt in the building, or can you already?

I thought it was gradual from the 20 or so story? Shouldn't we start seeing it already?

They're working on the 20th floor right now, which is the last hotel floor. The next two are sky lobby and lounge or something along those lines, then residences. It should start tilting very soon.
It should also be able to be seen on the webcam, which will need to be adjusted soon.

Progress will probably slow down a bit over the next few weeks then, now that it's swtching over to the residences.
The next two are sky lobby and lounge or something along those lines, then residences.

Mmmmm... sky lobby. Now that's something very rare, if not non-existent, in this city. I wonder if this sky lobby will be open to the public, or will it be accessible only to RC residents (and the occasional skyscraper fan or urban explorer).
It's kind of funny comparing the colours in that picture to the colours on the building. The beige stone on the south elevation is rendered in white in the rendering, the blue glass up the east/west sides actually looks silver, and the blue glass on the NE and NW corners has turned out to be gray metal
^The page must have window resizing code in it, which would be the cause of the resizing window.

Mmmmm... sky lobby. Now that's something very rare, if not non-existent, in this city. I wonder if this sky lobby will be open to the public, or will it be accessible only to RC residents (and the occasional skyscraper fan or urban explorer).

Surely us plebeian scum wouldn't be allowed in the Ritz residents' lovely sky lobby, lest we taint its classiness with our gawking stares and grubby hands. Better get some 'ins' with the wealthy types who've undoubtedly bought into the RC if you want to do anything but stare into it from the ground below.
That link gave my browser shrinkage :eek:

You can prevent that from happening (under Firefox) by going under:
Tools>Options>Content>Enable Javascript>Advanced
Then de-select "Allow scripts to: move or resize existing windows"
(personally I'd de-select everything in there, it's all stuff you'd never want to have happen)
There's some glass up on the north side now. I actually like it, it looks moderately tinted with grey spandrels, very sleek.

I also noticed some pretty cool detailing on the ground level, where the main driveway will be. They're using a cream coloured glass instead of aluminium panel for the fascia around the dropped ceiling, I'm sure it cost a bit more but it looked really sharp, and makes me wonder if they're going to go with a glass soffit in that area as well. If they did it would look amazing, the way it would catch the light, it would make that area feel like a little jewel box
