I've moved the Festival Tower to 'Site Prep' on my list unless conflicting information emerges.
I will go get pics now! Why does it have to be so cold out though?
they've even taken down the huge billboard at the corner of king and john. it's definitely the beginning of something!
And the slow death-by-strangulation of the club district continues. Love it.

Having an entertainment district is one of the best features of Toronto for residents and tourists.

The clubs will just migrate elsewhere... people aren't going to decide not to have fun once condos and other uses overtake the current club district.
Here you go, TIFF and Ritz RBC. I've also added to B/A. They were actually busy working on both Ritz and RBC today.


Ritz RBC






Is the Ritz showroom gone already? I thought they just started. Either way this area is really taking off and Im sure will make it even better.
Another small unrelated matter. The crane for London Lofts was put up today.
Ed that's great news about London Lofts, 2007 is going to give us a whole new wave of towers in and around the core.
There's foundation work already poured for RBC!!??
Or am I hallucinating?
Along the South end of the site they've already completed the lowest parking level (P3, I think), and they're getting ready to pour the floor of P2. I think the goal is to get the South end of the site back up to grade as quickly as possible so that Simcoe Place can have its loading bays back
Simcoe Place loading docks were moved midblock to facilitate construction. Once this end is done the loading dock can move back and they can start excavating the rest of the block.
WOW....... The Entertainment district will be booming in a few short years. It will definitely live up to its name.

Any word on Shangri-La? Everything proposed is practically constructed in TO. It's only a matter of time until we see this start as well.
