The horizontal banding seems less offensive to me now that the building is getting some height. Previously I found the bands overpowered the building's lines and made it look really drab, squat, and fussy.
that reminds me....

updated picture.. from behind...


Finally the glass (?) is going up on the bottom floors of the south side. What is behind that area, as it's covered, and then glassed over?
Am I the only one that doesn't like the podium so far?

Ed, is it all the fritted glass that's bugging you? I was hoping for more transparency myself. It may look much better in the evening when it's lit from within than it does during the daytime.

There are a number of finishing elements that we haven't seen yet either, but I know you know that...

Is the fritted glass, that frosted looking stuff? I don't like how much of it there is.
Yup - frit are the dots (more often than not; small, ceramic, white, but they can be bigger and other colours) that are applied to the window glass typically to reduce heat gain, and/or provide some privacy. It's showing up everywhere these days, and I am assuming that it is being using on this glass, as opposed to sandblasted glass. Anyone know for sure? Maybe there's even a zoomed photo back in the thread a bit that proves it one way or another...

I like the horizontal bands. It gives the building some firm structure, which to me creates interest. I also like the north facing podium and the tapering profile...I just don't see how anybody would compare this to BA Centre?
Okay I really like the glass on the south side below the hotel floors. There seems to be something behind the glass which makes it look so cool!
I was at Burrito Boyz yesterday and this building looks terrible from there. Those beige horizontal lines are offensive to the eyes.
Do those lines continue up the entire building or do they stop at a certain floor?
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I was at Burrito Boyz yesterday and this building looks terrible from there. Those beige horizontal lines are offensive to the eyes.
Do those lines continue up the entire building or do they stop at a certain floor?

They stop at the setback. I also find them quite ugly, the north side is much better looking.
I was at Burrito Boyz yesterday and this building looks terrible from there. Those beige horizontal lines are offensive to the eyes.
Do those lines continue up the entire building or do they stop at a certain floor?

Which horizontal lines are you talking about? You can't see the beige horizontal lines from the north side, which is presumably the side you're referring to since Burrito Boyz is north of the Ritz.
Which horizontal lines are you talking about? You can't see the beige horizontal lines from the north side, which is presumably the side you're referring to since Burrito Boyz is north of the Ritz.

Thanks for the correction.
I just said beige because the pics above fooled my memory I guess. I just remembered a bunch of lines in between the windows looking bad... so that bad view I saw was actually of the better side of the building? I wonder if the rain made it look worse to me than it usually would. I'm going to the harbourfront this weekend so I think I'll swing by this building one more time to see if the weather was influecing my opinion.
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This is a building where the best is yet to come. As it goes higher up and they start to add glass to the resident levels and the lean becomes very noticeable, I think the Ritz will only receive positive opinions. Sure, the horizontal beige precast pieces on the south side are a bit unfortunate (though not terrible), it would not be fair to form an opinion until the building is complete and being occupied.
