Ritz and RBC ( RBC looks to already be on the 4th or 5th floor of it's elevator shaft)


photo courtesy of bisonblight- SSC

5 Cranes on site.
I expect the Ritz will have several nice bars to hang out in at night, and - most vitally - somewhere to drop by for afternoon tea now and then.
Took these on Tuesday Sept 11th,

Its so hard to take pics of this site.


You can see a bity of the wire mesh from the look out window in the pic.

I noticed the floors have black tiles...can anyone explain that? Is that for heating or just ritzy decorative flooring?
You know, that was also my first thought when I looked into the site the other day.

I especially love the giant red preying-mantis concrete-pouring arm. Why don't more projects have one of those? Just think what the three guys building Murano could do with one of those.
