New Member
I strongly disagree. Compared to stuff like suite layout, price, etc., the size of the party room is pretty trivial, although I do agree that its 'importance' is really played up by the sales and marketing machine. While there are occasional buyers who heavily factor amenity space into their decision, most buyers would love the option of buildings or complexes with fewer - or sometimes no - amenities. They eat up all kinds of ground floor space, preventing meaningful/successful retail from going in, they drive up maintenance fees, etc.
Most people say they don't want amenities because of the maintenance fee and the fact that they don't use too often. But would they actually buy a unit without any amenities? I doubt it. I believe having good amenities are great features to market your property. Just from thinking future value of their unit, they'll prefer their building to have some decent amenities.
Also, having no amenities dosen't always result lower maintenance fee. Menkes buildings at Harrison Garden is a perfect example. I think it all comes down to how well the building is designed, and the board that runs it.