It needs this kind of finial
It looks so dead. I hope some graffiti artist tags the crap out of the podium, just to add some colour to the building.
...well how about some coloured awnings instead of encouraging vandalism?

By the way, in Manhattan many buildings have awnings that lead from entryways to the curb. You don't see this a lot in Toronto, although it seems that this would work well for Bay Street where there is so much highrise residential. Is there some sort of bilaw or ordinance against this in Toronto? That said, I think Harbour 60/Toronto Port Authority building has one?
...well how about some coloured awnings instead of encouraging vandalism?

By the way, in Manhattan many buildings have awnings that lead from entryways to the curb. You don't see this a lot in Toronto, although it seems that this would work well for Bay Street where there is so much highrise residential. Is there some sort of bilaw or ordinance against this in Toronto? That said, I think Harbour 60/Toronto Port Authority building has one?

I think there is. There are bylaws along Bay the dictate the width of the sidewalk, the placement of trees and the inclusion of continuous awnings along every building. The awnings, however, are only supposed to be a few metres wide to allow weather-protection. The extra-wide sidewalks with trees are supposed to improve the pedestrian environment. If all the trees survive (a big if), this sidewalk will be a real delight in a few years.
what happened to top of RoCP?

I was walking along Gerrard St. yesterday--and noticed a big gaping hole torn out of top of Tower 2 at the South East corner--at least 5 floors have been reopened to the elements for some looks like someone took a big bite out of the facade!

anyone know what happened up there?

i'll try to get by there later to take a picture...
I was walking along Gerrard St. yesterday--and noticed a big gaping hole torn out of top of Tower 2 at the South East corner--at least 5 floors have been reopened to the elements for some looks like someone took a big bite out of the facade!

anyone know what happened up there?

i'll try to get by there later to take a picture...

They are filling in the area where the construction elevator used to be. They've been working on it for about 2 weeks but have gone extra slowly in the past 4 days with the upper floors (probably due to the weather).

It looked really funny to see a full stripe of the southside exposed last week.
They are filling in the area where the construction elevator used to be. They've been working on it for about 2 weeks but have gone extra slowly in the past 4 days with the upper floors (probably due to the weather).

It looked really funny to see a full stripe of the southside exposed last week.

With all the plastic flying around in the wind and the big hole it looked like something had crashed through the building. While walking by today I noticed most of the hole is finished now. I think there was one more floor to go.
My problem with the base is that it looks like a parking garage. The stone was a horrible choice and looks like cinder block.

The towers look pretty good on a sunny day from a far, but up close the crown seems like it is unfinished. Still 1 King West looks worse to me on the west facade.
Read my updated signature closely...

It should clarify my position re: this (and other) developments. I debated doing a photo tour of my fave Toronto developments--I may if you kids can answer a basic question: will a $200 digi cam photos look like crap on UT?

My sig tells you what I stand for: enjoy!:)
Better inside than outside

I've been living at 763 Bay for a year, and although I don't particularly like the outside, especially the lower floors, I'm very happy with the quality of the apartment I'm renting. After renting at 80 Charles E. (paper-thin walls) then at the Liberties for 11 years (not very good workmanship) and owning for a few years at the Lexington on Carlton (quite the money pit; nicely managed, but aging, with high fees), the difference is remarkable.

I could have bought but the prices are getting ridiculous. If I put 25% down on the apartment I occupy now, with the fees and the taxes I'd pay $500 more a month than my rent!

One disappointing thing around this neighbourhood is the incredibly boring retail and restaurants. Silly me, I thought a higher density would improve matters. At 761 Bay, next door to the brand new Pizza Pizza (sigh), there will be... yet another Starbucks.
