looks to be about the same height as the Bay Adelaide Centre... another mega office buildng added to Toronto's list!

judging by the render, shadowing issues wouldn't be too bad. if it was another 5 floors taller, they might have issues.
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what happened to the tower that was suppose to go on stinsons land? the graphic art building? it was suppose to be a hotel condo? ANyways Im still waiting for bay addelaide 2 and 3... This place can be UBER dense:)

With Yonge street seeing cracy condo development,south core, waterfront, and yonge bloor all seeing huge proposals, I dont think I will recognize the city in 10 years. THATS A DANG GOOD THING...

How long can this pace of development last for?
what happened to the tower that was suppose to go on stinsons land? the graphic art building? it was suppose to be a hotel condo? ANyways Im still waiting for bay addelaide 2 and 3... This place can be UBER dense:)

Yeah is still a go...54 storeys/187 meters.
Rumour had it, Skyline selling the land...but it doesnt seem that it happened
The Interview: Gil Blutrich of Skyline Developments....http://urbantoronto.ca/news/2011/11/interview-gil-blutrich-skyline-developments

BAC-1+2 are still in the Pre-Development Phase (1,400,000 Square Feet of office space) and will eventually get built.
Any guesses on the height? Looking at the new renders, it looks to be just a little bit shorter than BA-1, so I would guess around 210m. This is a bit on the short side for 44 storeys of office plus 4-5 storeys equivalent of mechanical, but not ridiculously so.
Wow KPF is really getting some love up here- this will make it 4 towers in about as much time (+/-). RBC Dexia, Ritz, Cityplace and now this for Oxford.

Not to mention Oxford seems to be on a bit of tear lately. I heard they recently bought the MTCC and are planning something for either the north or south of the site (the MTCC North site extends from simcoe to beyond blue jays way-just to give you an idea of scale).

Here's a new video of the building. Notice on the page it states, "Up to 1,000,000 sq. ft. of high-performance LEED Platinum CS space available." I assume this is the LEED Platinum tower that has been talked about recently?


Thanks for that link DT and welcome to the forum:)
Its interesting how the overall height of that structure varies from the video to the pics...i guess the final product will all depend on the importance and size of the lead tenant
Here's a new video of the building. Notice on the page it states, "Up to 1,000,000 sq. ft. of high-performance LEED Platinum CS space available." I assume this is the LEED Platinum tower that has been talked about recently?


thanks for the link!... i dig the open/spacious/transparent lobby.. it's really cool.. this could be our Hearst/One Bryant Park office building. just because it's so stand-out.

the video shows the old height too i believe.
