"Cute" is not the word I'd give it, myself. I drove by it on the way back from downtown Sunday night and the jutting girders at the bottom looked bold and striking. I think this one will have quite the presence in this crowded cluster.
Given its positioning across from NPS I'd say this puts a large dent on the skyline. Just depends on the angle you're looking.
Rising up. From this morning:


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Hmm, speaking of which, we should give Lorraine Segato a call…


EDIT: Forgive the coyness above, but in fact a couple of us are getting together with Ms. Segato tomorrow to talk with her about a remarkable cause she has taken up lately, so you'll be seeing her and hearing about her soon on our front pages. In the meantime, great to see that old video again @Miscreant, more for the music and the memories, but also for the 1983 skyline around Roy Thomson Hall. It's definitely Toronto, but it looks so stripped down!
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Hmm, speaking of which, we should give Lorraine Segato a call…


EDIT: Forgive the coyness above, but in fact a couple of us are getting together with Ms. Segato tomorrow to talk with her about a remarkable cause she has taken up lately, so you'll be seeing her and hearing about her soon on our front pages. In the meantime, great to see that old video again @Miscreant, more for the music and the memories, but also for the 1983 skyline around Roy Thomson Hall. It's definitely Toronto, but it looks so stripped down!

Just to return briefly to this tangent from the previous page, we've now published our story about Lorraine Segato's current mission here, and while it has nothing to do with the EY Tower directly or even indirectly, it's something that every Torontonian should probably see. Lowdown Tracks was presented at HotDocs this spring, and it was leading in the race for the Audience Award, all the way up until the very last day when a very scenic doc about riding broncos through the American wilderness between the Mexico and Canada borders cantered its way into the top spot… unfortunately, because I would have loved to have seen Lowdown Tracks get the pile more publicity that would have come with having won the award.

Please read the story, and set your DVR/PVR/schedule/whatever to take in one of the screenings this weekend. There's a good chance you'll finish the film thinking "every politician in this city needs to see this", and you just may want to end up helping to spread the word yourself.

We now return to our regular programming. Look, it's the EY Tower from the top of Aura an hour or so ago!

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It looks like the new office towers are creating a ring around FCP with it being a sort of centerpiece. Will we get an office tower in the Core taller than FCP in the next decade?
