I'm looking forward to the aquarium and I know I sound jaded (for a good reason) but wouldn't Great Lakes conservation make more sense then flying fish around the planet?
I'm looking forward to the aquarium and I know I sound jaded (for a good reason) but wouldn't Great Lakes conservation make more sense then flying fish around the planet?

well think about it.... get those tiger sharks nice and hardened... through them into the lakes and viola... you dont have to worry about conservation as there will be nothing left in the lakes to worry about.... :D
I just looked it up and Gatlinburg is 89,000 sq' and the Mandalay Aquarium is 90,000 sq' so we're roughly 50% larger than either.

Rilpeys seems geared towards kids, learning and group tours and while it doesn't have that "research aquarium" thing going on, I'm not sure that is reasonable to expect from a city that isn't on an ocean coast - like the Vancouver example given. Even Mandalay has an assortment of other species ranging from jellyfish to Komodo Dragons, so it's not a research aquarium, but it's also fairly dismissive to call it a simple shark tank or feeding tank as if it's like the one at Bass pro.

Here is a user posted gallery at flickr

Some sample shots of Ripleys:




I wonder if people would still approach this project with mixed enthusiasm if it were named the 'Robert Ripley Aquarium' or the some variation on that theme? After all, Leons was welcomed into the Roundhouse on condition that they alter their signage to the more subtle variation one sees displayed today.
I wonder if people would still approach this project with mixed enthusiasm if it were named the 'Robert Ripley Aquarium' or the some variation on that theme?

Better yet, they can call it the Jim Pattison Aquarium. He's the one paying for it afterall.
yyzhyd - thanks for posting those pics. They're certainly wasting no time.
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I really do hope that this Ripley's Aquarium will be close to par to world class Aquariums like the Georgia Aquarium, and not like Ripley's other aquariums
I really do hope that this Ripley's Aquarium will be close to par to world class Aquariums like the Georgia Aquarium, and not like Ripley's other aquariums

Welcome aboard blacktrojan...

You should scan back through this thread. Your statement is one that has been discussed and debated a lot. This project has at the least, stirred up a lot of interest and civic pride.
What's the point of having this debate over and over again? The deal is done. Now we can sit back and judge it when done. Maybe Ripley's will surprise us.
The business case has to be made, and although we'd like something grander, in times of declining public budgets and absence of wealthy benefactor, this is the result that private enterprise will provide. It may be very nice, and I look forward to checking it out. I don't want public money put into this because aquariums, zoos, etc are outside the expertise of govt. However, I see libraries and rec/community centers as worthy of public support because they contribute to human capital and physical and social well being of city residents.
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Wow, I didnt think they would get going on this so fast. Seems like they only made the official announcement a few weeks ago. Cant wait to see this thing take shape.
I was digging through the thread trying to find a render of the retail plans for the base of the CN tower but i couldnt find anything at all.
Leaves me with a few questions:
First of all is there even going to be retail? or does the title of the thread predate the current plans?Is it going to be a separate structure, or will it be attached the the CN tower, or the aquarium? Will it be a similar style of architecture for the retail as the aquarium or will it be made to blend in more with the tower??
hope somebody has some info
What's the point of having this debate over and over again? The deal is done. Now we can sit back and judge it when done. Maybe Ripley's will surprise us.

I should have been more specific, and this is not a closed thread I take it. I'm merely trying to guage what it is about the other Ripley's aquariums that make them less appealing in terms of their actual exhibits. Yes I certainly agree the 'serious' vs non-serious aquarium debate is pretty much moot at this point, obviously it is what it is and the deal is done.
