
Iduno if this has been posted yet but I have never seen it til now

That's an interesting floorplan.

Will there be no demonstration pool like there is at the Shedd? Technically that's the only true aquarium I've been to so I don't know what to expect in the average one.

this is kinda a random question, but does anyone know what types of fish/aquatic animals are gonna be here? lol by that i really mean, how good is this aquarium really gonna be compared to other ones in North America,

is there gonna be a shark tank here? :)
this is kinda a random question, but does anyone know what types of fish/aquatic animals are gonna be here?

Quote from the link Alvin posted
More than 13,500 underwater creatures from around the globe will be on display. Exhibits will include Tropical Reefs, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Habitats, Jellyfish, Seahorses, Stingrays, and Great Lakes exhibits and much more.

I must say, this sounds pretty exciting.

Just came across these images on the website. Neither of them are in the database but they seem to be official renders:


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A bit more information:

"Although it won't start out fully stocked, the 5.7 million litre attraction will be able to accommodate 13,500 sea creatures, or about 450 total species."

"Ripley's also plans to implement breeding and conservation programs for endangered species, which will include a tag and track program for sand tiger sharks."
That's an interesting floorplan.

Will there be no demonstration pool like there is at the Shedd? Technically that's the only true aquarium I've been to so I don't know what to expect in the average one.

I would prefer that there wasn't a "demonstration pool", which suggests to me trained animals performing tricks. We don't need that. People providing information and answering questions about the marine animals (their behavior, their habitat, etc.) would be good. But we should leave the jumping through hoops to Marineland.
I would prefer that there wasn't a "demonstration pool", which suggests to me trained animals performing tricks. We don't need that. People providing information and answering questions about the marine animals (their behavior, their habitat, etc.) would be good. But we should leave the jumping through hoops to Marineland.


Performing animals is certainly a no-no. I just hope that this facility turns out to be an educational attraction. Although the Ripley's brand worries me, I will still be lined up for opening week.
^ I agree. I'll be getting a membership if they sell one. If it's like any aquarium that I've been to around the world, it'll be a good place to sit, think and even work. I've considered the kids that will no doubt be filing through here regularly but that's nothing that a pair of noise cancelling headphones won't block out.

Mertle Beach:

Individual Annual Pass Prices
Adults age 12 and older – $49.99
Children age 6-11 -$28.99
Children age 2-5 – $12.99

Annual Pass RENEWALS
Adults age 12 and older – $39.99
Children age 6-11 – $26.50
Children age 2-5 – $10.50

That's a steal!
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If they have anything performing tricks I'll never enter the place. If this turns out well I will likely get a membership here too if they're available, at least for the first full year. I just love aquariums.
