ignore Automation Gallery... if it aint 70 storeys and 300m tall then it counts as cheesy to him. Now, back to the adult conversation....

Come-on Redroom you know thats not true...i like tall buildings where they belong, and it sure ain't in the West Donlands. Anyways thanks for your 2Cents worth regarding cheesy but i think i have already clarified myself in previous posts.
River City and the Floor Protection Landform

I was looking at the drawings for River City and I'm curious as to where exactly these buildings will sit. If you've been around King St East recently you've noticed that the platform is quite high and large. When I look at the images for River City I'm having a hard time figuring out where these buildings are to be built. It looks like they are supposed to sit on the east side of the giant empty lot facing king east. Are they going to be built on top of the platforms?

It looks like they are buildings a street to seperate the River City development and the community housing development which will be built at King East and St Lawrence. Taking into account the new street and the size of the platform I can't imagine that there would be enough space to fit the River City development without building on top of the platform. If they don't build on top of the platform will some people have a view of a giant mound of dirt?!

River City Drawings

Flood Protection Platform
I was looking at the drawings for River City and I'm curious as to where exactly these buildings will sit. If you've been around King St East recently you've noticed that the platform is quite high and large. When I look at the images for River City I'm having a hard time figuring out where these buildings are to be built. It looks like they are supposed to sit on the east side of the giant empty lot facing king east. Are they going to be built on top of the platforms?

It looks like they are buildings a street to seperate the River City development and the community housing development which will be built at King East and St Lawrence. Taking into account the new street and the size of the platform I can't imagine that there would be enough space to fit the River City development without building on top of the platform. If they don't build on top of the platform will some people have a view of a giant mound of dirt?!

River City Drawings

Flood Protection Platform

I believe, as per the WDL park, the dirt pile is weight to squeeze out water. Once construction begins, the TCHC building and River City will be level and level to King. (Remember, this patch of land used to be two stories below King (there was a three story warehouse there that had one story above King.)
Thanks! that makes sense.
i was having a hard time imagining towers on top of those mounds !
WDL construction proceeds apace -- lots of action down there these days. This morning, a backhoe was starting to dig into the pile of dirt that will be the River City site for the first time. Don't know if this is the start of phase one construction or something to do with the Bayview Extension extension, but it was on the east side of the pile, hard by the tracks.
Will there be trouble with building Trouble In River City now that Frick and Frack are running City Hall, or is this development safe from their toxic attitude towards decent design?
hmm, don't you think they'd be over joyed with this project and possibly use it as an example ?

This is completely private right ? I don't think waterfront Toronto had much to do with this at all.

Clearly he's not opposed to development.
hmm, don't you think they'd be over joyed with this project and possibly use it as an example ?

This is completely private right ? I don't think waterfront Toronto had much to do with this at all.

Clearly he's not opposed to development.

WDL is a Waterfront Toronto project. I'm sure the Fords would love to pull a contract just to get the publicity of re-selling it for more money (which could easily happen, given price appreciation and dumbed-down design that would allow for a slightly higher bid and more profit to the developer.)
River City is a private sector project that is well on its way to fruition, any municipal interference this far along into the process would likely result in a legal challenge from the project proponents.
River City is a private sector project that is well on its way to fruition, any municipal interference this far along into the process would likely result in a legal challenge from the project proponents.

Thanks for that Mike that's exactly what I thought !

btw- while were on the subject matter, is this similar to the Hines development at this point ? Is that now effectively private - I guess they have a contract with waterfront toronto regarding the design and what not though ?

I'm not sure how it works but is that in a similar situation at this point.
^ The projects are very different from each other and at very different stages of process.
I agree that the Fords' one motive for pulling the project would be to sell land for more. Because the Waterfront Toronto projects are subject to rigorous design review (whether private or public), the amount the developers will bid for the land (Urban CApital in this case) will be driven down correspondingly. If there was no design review, the City could sell the land to the developer for more. However, interfernce with this project today (after the land is already sold) would be tantamount to expropriation, which is surely the last thing the Brothers Ford want to be associated with.
I agree that the Fords' one motive for pulling the project would be to sell land for more. Because the Waterfront Toronto projects are subject to rigorous design review (whether private or public), the amount the developers will bid for the land (Urban CApital in this case) will be driven down correspondingly. If there was no design review, the City could sell the land to the developer for more. However, interfernce with this project today (after the land is already sold) would be tantamount to expropriation, which is surely the last thing the Brothers Ford want to be associated with.

Why would the Fords not want to be associated with expropriation? (Notwithstanding 'appropriation from another government' seems to be a bit of an oxymoron.) They cancelled legal contracts, and will pay break fees in the millions for the LRTs. Why would this be different? BTW, I don't think they will. But underestimating what the Ford team will do in their righteous fury has already skewered Councillor Layton. They will kill any and all contracts/plans/what have you associated with Miller that they feel they can get away with, and/or re-allocate them to favoured friends. Underestimating the Fords is going happen a LOT this year, IMHO.
^ The projects are very different from each other and at very different stages of process.

You can elaborate a little bit more ? Is the east bayfront development private by all accounts at this point ? I don't think anything has went to the city in terms of approval (i.e. for a specific building) because I don't believe that's even ready yet.
I see what you mean, I guess only the design has been chosen at the moment.
Sorry Taal, public forums are not the appropriate place for further elaboration.
