Oh god, please tell me they're not going to do that when the Jay's hit HR's....

I wouldn't think so. Considering the amount of smoke that those release into the air after going off, and how close they are to the seats, I think this might be for the end of games.
I wouldn't think so. Considering the amount of smoke that those release into the air after going off, and how close they are to the seats, I think this might be for the end of games.

Yeah I didn't think so as when they were going off they blocked the whole of the new social areas.
So do we have any idea what phase 2 is going to look like when they do the whole lower bowl?
So do we have any idea what phase 2 is going to look like when they do the whole lower bowl?

No. And we probably won't for months. Last year, they released this. year's renderings back in late July so I doubt we'll see anything before then.
Maybe they'll show some renderings if/when MLB announces they've been awarded the All Star Game?
No. And we probably won't for months. Last year, they released this. year's renderings back in late July so I doubt we'll see anything before then.
Maybe they'll show some renderings if/when MLB announces they've been awarded the All Star Game?

Yeah probably if we get the all-star game, but your right probably nothing until mid summer.
We do get some hints, though, just going by the renderings


The seats actually facing the batter's box will be a big change, especially in the corners.

We do get some hints, though, just going by the renderings


The seats actually facing the batter's box will be a big change, especially in the corners.


You know what....I forgot these were circulating out there. My guess is it will look really close to this as the phase 1 renderings were pretty bang on.
I would enjoy it if Rogers unveiled phase 2 on opening day on Tuesday. What a way to keep everyone invested. This is what we've done. This is what we are doing to do.
I'm sure these 100 level renderings are conceptual, at best.
They probably give a rough sense in terms of the proper angling towards the infield and such but I wouldn't be rusprised if it all looks fairly differnt at the end of the day..
(As one example of something that seems awfully rough, that right field corner looks weird. It looks like there's a very sharp jut and then a cliff in the outfield corner. Maybe they'll go for something along those lines but I expect a lot more finesse.
If the designs were closer to final I suspect you'd be able to see a lot more (and they would have said more about it last year).
UrbanToronto's front page story on the Outfield District Open House event from the 6th is here, mostly Matias Bessai's work (small contribution from me). Here though, is a selection of 42 photos I took during ceremony and tour. This isn't everything we saw. There are certain bits that I'm thinking afterwards "Wait, I didn't get a photo of X or Y? Huh?", but we were rushed around at points, after being urged to test to food offerings in each area (maybe we tested a a tenth of what was on offer?) and then told "let's go, let's go, on to the next" as bits of really good banh mi, for example, are dropping from our mouths and hands. I know, lovely picture painted… anyway, some photos got missed being taken in the mix.

Field Level Ceremony:

Four presenters, plus media in the seats.

Some of the back office in the stands, cameras on the field.

100 Level Changes

The Jays' new Bullpen. There are spots to stand (and drink and eat) and watch just behind that RETHINK COLOUR sign.

Oppo Taco and its offerings;


'The Stop' is comestibles to one side…

…mostly potables to the other. The little cups on the bar (hammered copper background) were cocktail samples!

Good food options. Light snack-wise, wou can get five different colours/flavours of candy-coated popcorn, and more colours/recipes of cocktails. The blue(berry) popcorn is really good. The blue Rum Punch (however) is like drinking a popsicle. Yeucchhhh.


This is the view over the visitor's bullpen from The Catch Bar area:


Schneiders' Porch, right beside The Catch Bar.

Several poutines, several hot dog.sausages options.

This is a particularly particularly unique sausage option, if you and some friends would like to go for a ride…

200 Level Changes:
Welcome to a somewhat revamped WestJet Flight Deck.

The view from WestJet over the Visitor's Bullpen (and you can see people in The Catch Bar area closer to it. Schneiders' Porch is right past it).

Just past The FlightDeck is SportsNet's Blue Jays Central studio.


500 Level Changes.
Park Social is the most family-oriented of all the areas. There are a number of games for kids to play here, nearly none of which I got photos.

Not swings. Seen in the background above, close-up below. Istagramable.

Grilled cheese sanmmiches. Reports are they were delish.

Play baseball games at the baseball game!

Along with The Catch Bar area, I liked the Corona Rooftop Patio area the best. The frozen margs up here are good.

I think the $20 no-seat Outfield District general admission tickets will be a big hit. You can visit any of these places if you've paid for a seat to go back to, but you can also just do the cheap route and wander from spot to spot, and find places to pull up to a standing bar table, or there are assorting seating options at most of the areas as well which you might have for a while, first come, first served, and until you wander over to another counter or game or wherever…

It will be interesting to see how this all comes off over the season!

Finally, a view from the 300 Level Press Box after the tour as we put the story together

…and oops, I suppose someone leaned against the wall and accidentally hit a switch…

(The lights were off for all of ten seconds!)

